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I'm glad that you got to catch some fish!!!! How are you cleaning them? There is an easy way to clean a crappie, and you don't loose any meat. Crappie and bream both, I don't fillet them because you loose alot of meat. I scale them real good. An regular old spoon works great for scaling. Once scaled, I cut off thier head. Now, all you do is insert the knife in the anus and bring it out where the head use to be. Now clean out the innerds and wash them real good.

If you freeze the fish for another day, make sure and freeze them covered in water. It will prevent freezer burn, keep them tasting fresh, and they will keep for a long period of time this way.

When you cook them, dip them in egg then roll them in corn meal. I like cooking crappie in a deep fryer, not in a frying pan. Yum Yum, all this talk is making me hungry. [cool]

Keep us updated on your progress. You never know how your trials may help another angler. Thanks for sharing!

Bryan D.
[font "Times New Roman"]Hey, I just wanted to say thanks about how to save you fish after cleaning them then how to freeze the fish. That is the way I do it too. I make sure all the air is out of the bag, I lay the bag of fish on a flat tray -dry the bags so they don’t freeze together some times if I have a lot I will put a towel over them and put more on top of them, now your dinner is nice and flat in the freezer it won’t take up much room.
My friend has a food saver and says that's the way to go, but I can’t afford one. So I found that if I get a big bowl fill it full of water than take the bag of fish with the water in it and push it in water all the air will come out then zip it shut. Works for me. Any other tips would be great.Please pass them on. I have been wondering if there is a better why???[unimpressed]
ps: I'm still new too I hope I did this right????[crazy]
Thanks KC
Today I went out again and didn't have any luck at all. My boyfriend and I went, and a really nice guy offered to take us out on his boat. It was ironic that he tried all of the places in the lake that I had tried and failed at, but he was so nice I didn't want to say anything, plus I figured maybe from a boat it would be different.

So, didn't catch anything but had a good boat ride and met a cool new friend. He and the boyfriend traded numbers so hopefully we'll go again.
I'm not a big fan of Popsickles.......unless they are grape or cherry flavored. But......I do know how to make them.

My Dad always used to use the Quart Milk cartons for the Trout. Simply place the fish in the milk carton, fill with water and freeze. Any part that is sticking out of the finished ice will be freezer burned but that part can be discarded after cooking later on.[cool]

Food savers can be good too. There are very few of them that actually work well.[cool]
No problemo' KC! We're here to help. Notice that tubeN2 doesn't do frozen fish, LOL, I knew he'd jump in on this one. But he's right, frozen fish will never be as tastey as the "caught, cleaned, and cooked" the same day. But, freezing it in water retains the freshness as good as any other method. But, when you're in TubeN2's world, you get to fish everyday and don't have to freeze them. LOL!!!!!![sly]

As for myself, I have to catch enough to save for another day. I might get to hit the water once a week if i'm lucky and the water is cooperating. I rarely bank fish though, i'm usually in my boat. In fresh water, I don't keep very many fish. I might keep a couple cats if I feel like cleaning them. If I get into a few crappie, I'll keep them just because they are so easy to clean. I never keep bass on the occasion I target them, nor do I keep gar or bowfin when I target them. (yes I target gar and bowfin) [Tongue] Most of the fish I keep are out of the ocean.

Another tip on frozen fish is to let them thaw out naturally. Don't run hot water over the bag or toss it in the mircowave on Defrost. It will ruin the meat. Why? I don't have a clue, but it really does affect the flavor.
[cool] I just bought a Foodsaver Game Sport from Cabelas. This model is on sale for $99, regular $129. Haven't had time to go fishing since I bought it, so I haven't been able to vacuum seal any fish. I did try it on some veggies and it works great. Am going fishing this weekend and hopefully will have some fish to try it on. Will let you know how it turns out.
I've never use one of those vacuum sealers either. I wonder how hard it would be to seal a bag with fish AND water in it? I'm sure the fish alone wouldn't be nothin', but what about with the water in the mix? I won't eat frozen fish unless it was frozen covered in water. Fish is very delicate, and they freezer burn pretty easily.

If you get bored, sacrifice one of your freezer bags for the team. [Tongue] LOL Toss something in a bag, fill it with water, and try to seal it; just to see how it will work.
[Smile] You seal it without the water. The vacuum sealer takes all the air out of the bag. Just like if you bought vacuum sealed packaged salmon from the northwest and had it shipped to you.
I don't know bassngal, i'm still skepticle.............

"I have a mission for you" [Smile] LOL

OK, next time you go fishing, take one piece of fish and freeze it using your vacuum sealer. Take another piece of fish and freeze it covered in water. Let them set for a week, thaw them out and cook them. Let us know which fish held up better and has the freshest taste. Apon the completion of this mission, I will reward you with a BFT shirt, stickers, and a patch. [cool]

What say you?
[cool] ok, i will do that.
Hey T4me. That vacuum seal will suck everything out of the bag until it meets the right resistance to seal.

I have done some Buffalo and Duck meet in them. I will put the meat in it's marinade, insert it into the bag while still moist.

The machine takes over and leaves just the right amount of moisture to prevent freezer burn.[cool]
[font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1]Post:[/size][/black][/font] [font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1]I don't know bassngal, i'm still skepticle.............

"I have a mission for you" [Smile] LOL

OK, next time you go fishing, take one piece of fish and freeze it using your vacuum sealer. Take another piece of fish and freeze it covered in water. Let them set for a week, thaw them out and cook them. Let us know which fish held up better and has the freshest taste. Apon the completion of this mission, I will reward you with a BFT shirt, stickers, and a patch. [cool]

What say you?

[#008000]DUDE! don't you know, every time you make a challenge like that you JINXs the person so there are NO FISH![mad][/#008000]
[#008000]bassngal...I am sending you my mental MOJO[/#008000][crazy][laugh][laugh]
[red][size 5]You Go Gurl!!!!![cool][/size][/red]
[shocked] Oh no! I didn't think about it. I should have PM'd the offer to her and made this a "top secret" need to know mission. LOL

I hope you sent her enough "mojo" to ward off the evil spirits. I'll make sure and do a fish dance around my boat for good luck for her. [cool]

Hey Steve, I noticed you said you used that thing for your steaks and things. The question at hand is which is better, vacuum sealed or water covered frozen fish. [Tongue] Steve always reads from right to left. [sly]
[cool]Thanks flygoddess for the mojo!!!!!!!!!
Has it worked?[Smile]
Actually.....Either one is fine as long as you have the right vacuum sealer or are able to flash freeze the water dipped fish. I would obviously go with the beef as far a texture retention.

The cells are more dense and don't expand like the fish do. On the other hand, have you tried water logging a steak in a milk carton???

The vacuum pack works best with just a small amount of moisture and the frozen popsickle works best when there is 100% coverage of water.[cool]
[unsure] I haven't been able to go yet, I am going this week tho. Hopefully I will be abel to catch some fish to try the vacuum sealer on. I am sure it will work since air causes the freezer burn and I will be removing all the air with the vacuum sealer. We will see!!![Smile]
Sounds like for now I will stick with the zip lock freezer bag filled with water it has been working so far for me. I just wanted here from some others what they do.You can't go wrong with old school and it's cheaper too.
Welcome abored! Im sure youll like it here, tons of info and if you cant find it someone else will for you. Feel free to PM me if you need anything!

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