If it works, don't fix it! I agree with you on old school. I still freeze my extra bait that way. That's the best way to keep it fresh.[cool]
[cool] Well, I went fishing and caught some nice crappie. I froze some in water and vacuum sealed some. I kept them in the freezer for a week and fried them up this past weekend. I had some friends over and fried the filets separately and let my friends try them first. They couldn't tell the difference. I didn't let them know which was which till after they tasted them. By the time I got to taste them, I couldn't remember which was which!!!! hehe The fish was great!!!!
You rock bassngal!!!!!!! Than it's settled then. Both are equally as good. So, i'm sold now. How much can I be looking at to purchase a vacuum sealer and a box of the bags?
Also, PM me your mailing address and your shirt size. I'll make sure you get a care package for being a good sport. [cool]
Okay, time to stir it up again. I talked to a Chef this weekend about this and he pointed out, anytime you freeze something you change the malecular(sp) structure and fish was a good example. I suppose if you fry it however you can make just about anything taste good[cool]

] Thanks Tarpon4me!!
I bought the Food Saver Brand, the Game Saver Sport, retails for $129.99 but Cabela's has it on sale for $99.99. It comes with 1 roll of coninuous and 2 pre-cut qt and 1 pre-cut gal. bag.
48 pre-cut qt. bags is $19.99
32 pre-cut gal. bags is $19.99
You can also buy continuous Rolls:
2 rolls 8"x22' is $19.99
2 rolls 11"x18" is $19.99
6 rolls 11"x18' is $49.99
With the continuous rolls you can custom cut the exact size bag that you need.
It is true about changing the molecular structure. The cells in a fish are light and full of moisture. When freezing, the cells expand. Once defrosted, the cells do not snap back the same way. They stay stretched out.
Even if the flavor doesn't change much, the texture does. It will tend to be mushier after defrosting just because of the lack of contraction of the cells.
If you freeze them with air pockets, you will actually freezer burn or "Frost bite" the exposed cells and have an adverse change in flavor.
I too am a chef and very picky about my fish when I cook it.
I learned from my Pops. Then I married a girl that could cook just like him.[cool]
just serve another round of stiff drinks before diner .. they'll never know .. heck they might think it was the best chicken they ever had!!
That might just work.[cool]
[black][size 3]And I know for a fact it does, except I had them believing it was Rattle Snake.....[

The cells expand or they shrink? I don't know, so i'm just asking. But, I do know that the cold shrinks just about everything else: Wood, steel, and what ever else is cold; including your finger when you try to slide a on a tight ring.
I also know that how quickly the food is frozen affects how fresh it tastes when thawed. When frozen quickly, the meat is stopped in a state of limbo. The longer it takes for the meat to freeze, the more time the cold has to take it's toll.
LOL, See what you did Flygoddess? [sly]
In the case of the fish, the cells expand. When you defrost it, they get mushy. Most of that has to do with how much air is left in the bag and in the mix from the water.