I am looking for some ice fishin rods in the 3-4 ft range. medium action. If anyone know's where I might find some it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance,
[cool][#0000ff]Most commercially made "ice rods" are shorter...designed for fishing inside cramped ice tents. Hard to find rods between the 5' ultralights and 2' ultrashorts.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you build your own, you can buy 40 inch blanks from either Cabelas or Janns. Or, as I often do, look for a good deal on a longer blank and then cut it to the length you want.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Here's a tip (no pun intended). Start cruising the pawn shops. They have lots of cheap rods that can be altered to make fine ice rods. the tip section from a cheap 7 foot rod can be made into an ideal ice jigger.[/#0000ff]
Before the deer hunt I went to Sportsman to get some hunting items. I ended up buying some fishing lures and an ice fishing rod (no hunting items). So Sportman Whse. is where I usually find some good rods for ice fishing.
TD's advice is good.
If you just want to buy a decent ice fishing rod, Sportsmans Wharehouse in Riverdale has started putting out the ice fishing gear, and they have a variety of rods and rod and reel combos.
Personally, I think the Ugly Stick rod is a good deal for the price, and it comes in different actions. The St. Croix's are also good rods.
Im glad you said "Rods", that means you understand.
I have 7 of the shorter ice rods, ranging from 18" ultra light noodles to 28" graghite stiffies. I also have a couple of home made rods. Most of those come from old or broken regular rods.
![[Image: 400PVCPimpSled.jpg]](http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g235/pbjet/400PVCPimpSled.jpg)
That is pretty much your best options. Hit the garage sales, too. Don't pass up anything you can get on the cheap, parts is parts. Some winding thread, a simple winding Jig and some epoxy and you can make rods that are better than any you can buy.
I don't know where you are located, but Anglers Den in Riverdale was carring some 3-4 foot Ice rods last year. I bought on for the pup lakers at the Gorge and Bear Lake. It seems they were about 30$ if I remember correctly. You may want to try them and talk to Wade.
[url "http://www.utahcityguide.com/new/results_adv.asp?quickkw=Shopping"][#000d39]Shopping[/#000d39][/url] > [url "http://www.utahcityguide.com/new/results_adv.asp?quickkw=Sporting Goods"][#000d39]Sporting Goods[/#000d39][/url] 5296 FREEWAY PARK DR
OGDEN, UT 84405-4063
[size 1]Eagle Claw has just come out with a new ice rod for the serious lake trout fisherman. It's 36" long, MH power, extremely light, graphite reel seat, oversized guides, and has enough backbone to move and turn big fish, but is sensitive enough to detect subtle hits. And it's still short enough to use in any shelter. They are available in both a spinning and baitcast model. I tested a prototype last winter and it's SWEET.[/size]
[size 1][/size]
[size 1]Eagle Claw has them in their Country store in Denver. You can order them by phone I'm told. The Product numbers are
Casting rods- AIE36MC - $18.19
Spinning rods-AIE36M $17.15[/size]
[size 1]Their phone # (720) 941-8723 [/size]
A 3-4 ft rod is a definite advantage when fishing deep water. Lots of good advice provided so far. If you're looking to purchase a rod, try The Ice Fishing Store (
www.peterson-outdoors.com). They're in Pennsylvania. They have a nice selection of rods in various sizes and actions, and are good to deal with. Also, Daiwa makes 3 ft spinning and casting rods (TriForce Shorty). I recently found the casting version (301MRB) on eBay for under $20.00, including shipping. It's got a medium action and could be just the ticket for larger fish.
here are some good blankes.. [url "http://www.htent.com/Ice_Rod_Pages/icerods.htm"]http://www.htent.com/Ice_Rod_Pages/icerods.htm[/url]
Just checked out that site in Penn. and called the number. They are currently upgrading the site and told me it should be accessible by the end of the month if not sooner.
Lots of good stuff in there, and from what I could tell, very reasonable prices. I need to get me an ice skimmer/scooper, and not one with a plastic handle.
[black][size 3]In addition to the info you have already gotten, here is a link to some other nice ones that you should check out. [/size][/black][url "http://www.naturevisioninc.com/shop_nvi/home.php?cat=15"][black][size 3]LINK[/size][/black][/url][black][size 3]. I think Anglers Den in Salt Lake carried some of them last year.[/size][/black]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]The rods that Anglers Den in Riverdale carried were the 36" MH Lake Trout Genz Stix Gold Ice Fishing Rods. He sold out. I got one but never got the chance to fish with it much. Maybe this year.
Do an E-bay search on "Genz Stix rod" and you will find several for about $19 (plus a heafty shipping).
Check out Fish Tech in Holliday. They have a great selection of nice long ice rods in different actions in spinning or baitcasters. They might be a tad more expensive, but Fish Tech folks are awesome people to deal with. Sportsman's employees act like you don't exist until you're ready to dig out your wallet. I'll only shop there as a last resort.
Thanks guy's I appreciate the info.
Hi Old Coot, I have that exact same rod. it is a very nice Graphite piece, looking forward to using it this year.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]Dan, you may have one just like mine but I'll bet I paid lots more. [unsure][/#002850][/size][/font]
mines better then yours Ralph[

[cool][#0000ff]Hey...are you tryin' to start sumpin'?[/#0000ff]
I dont think Ralph has ever seen the twins. If he had he would be jealous[

[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]Yes, I am quite aware of the twins. And yes, I am quite jealous of them.[/#002850][/size][/font]