Well I just got my email, I drew out for a central turkey tag... any early suggestions would be greatly appreciated... AJ
I drew my 3rd choice, a southern tag. I've had this late tag before and it's a very tough hunt. I'll be happy with a another jake.
Don't spent to much time scout near the roads. Your best bet it to find birds well off the beaten path and find there roosts and feeding area.
Six years of points finally paid off for me too! Cache early- I'll be flippin' sticks this spring[

Good luck to all you guys with your Turkey tags. Hope you have a sucsessful hunt. Looking forward to your posts and pics!
Sweet!!! I just drew mine too! A got a Northern region tag. Took me four years to finally draw for a dumb bird.
Hey, I'm the new guy on the boards. I scored a northern too. Think I'll head out with Hookjaw. Shot a turkey in Arkansas about 4 years ago and haven't had the money to go back. Finally drew one in my own state! Getting excited for the upcoming seasons of hunting.
If you want to wear the baby blue for camo, I can hook you up.. [

Unfortunately by the time the season starts it will be too warm for ol' baby blue. Darn. I sure hope it stays cold so I can take you up on that.[

Speakin' of ol' blue, look what I found...
Whoa, let me try that pic again.
Haha.. Where are the other 1000 pics you took over the years?!?!?! [cool]
The computer illiterate monster ate them all.