10-05-2008, 05:22 AM
[inline "Cat Fish.jpg"][laugh] Wasn't sure how this would go over since it's not an actual "fish" involved and posted in misc. , had macfly55 check it out and he suggested I share it here.too................
"CAT" fishing......
Most appropriate place I could find to post this. Back in my drinking days (ok years), down in the middle of the Mojave desert, hours from real fishing and visiting with my very social little sis for a few days, this just kind of happened.
She was having the only giant neighborhood party of her life, I think it started in 1974 and still sounded strong last time I called. Anyways, the local conversation (ok, bunch of drooling ruffians all trying to talk over each other) gravitated to fishing, then catfishing.
Long story short, we ended up tying the cats favorite little catnip stuffed mouse to my light spinning combo and cast it from the living room couch into the kitchen about 30 feet away. Mind you the kitchen group has no idea what was going on and on our first cast all we netted was a few priceless looks.
Very second cast out, wiggled it a little bit and wow, what a strike, 20 pound striper, Turbo the cat absolutely pounced on it and tore out the pet door stripping line like mad. Three of us traded off fighting that cat for several minutes and actually got it landed back at the couch.
You have a cat, you have to try this, raises the bar on hysterically funny stuff [img]../../../images/gforum/laugh.gif[/img] [img]../../../images/gforum/shocked.gif[/img] [img]../../../images/gforum/
"CAT" fishing......
Most appropriate place I could find to post this. Back in my drinking days (ok years), down in the middle of the Mojave desert, hours from real fishing and visiting with my very social little sis for a few days, this just kind of happened.
She was having the only giant neighborhood party of her life, I think it started in 1974 and still sounded strong last time I called. Anyways, the local conversation (ok, bunch of drooling ruffians all trying to talk over each other) gravitated to fishing, then catfishing.
Long story short, we ended up tying the cats favorite little catnip stuffed mouse to my light spinning combo and cast it from the living room couch into the kitchen about 30 feet away. Mind you the kitchen group has no idea what was going on and on our first cast all we netted was a few priceless looks.
Very second cast out, wiggled it a little bit and wow, what a strike, 20 pound striper, Turbo the cat absolutely pounced on it and tore out the pet door stripping line like mad. Three of us traded off fighting that cat for several minutes and actually got it landed back at the couch.
You have a cat, you have to try this, raises the bar on hysterically funny stuff [img]../../../images/gforum/laugh.gif[/img] [img]../../../images/gforum/shocked.gif[/img] [img]../../../images/gforum/
