Okay, I had some time tonight and I dug out the Ice shack, 2-man Frabill quick flip, I have been thinking since last season I need to shed some weight on it and lighten it up. I also need to add some runners, I am into all the gadgets such as finder, sonar, camera, ect. when I get everything loaded it is pretty heavy and difficult to pull if there is any snow on the ice. so I am considering doing some mod's to lighten her up. Any Sugestions would be great, or pictures of what others have done. The seats and frame work are quite heavy, I think I will start there, and maybe rewire all the electronics to one battery instead of 3. The big thing is runners for the bottom that will make it slide better, Any sugestions for that also, I am stoked for first ice and would love to have it ready to go by then, I figured all you guys that are so talented with your PVC mod's might have some good ideas. Thanks in advance
I have also been thinking along the same lines! I have the Eskimo quickflip 3 most of the time I pull it with my wheeler, then excessive wear is an issue, but if I pull it by hand, and I do, sometimes it can bog you down pretty fast. I was just wondering about mounting some old skis with 1" to 2" pvc spacers between the sled and ski, if you used schedule 80 pvc it should hold up. I would like to hear everybodys thoughts too.
Leave it home and fish in the spring. LOL[fishin]
I can tell you have never ice fished! I wish there was more with your attitude and there would be more room for those of us who are addicted to ice fishing
I have an eskimo caravan. It is the biggest tub sled they make. I have had it for five years. I have had skis on it from day one. Some of the key points to putting skis on, is that the skis you use have to be your older style down hill skis.( Less Breakage ) The ones that have a metal edge on top and on bottom. You have to make sure you mount it through the ski at the thickest point of the ski. Which would leave you about a foot to sixteen inches of ski sticking out the front of your sled. I used have moon bolts through the skis and then through the sled and put a lock nut on it. My sled is extra big so I did three skis. I took a piece of one inch galvenized fitting and made sure the bolt was small enough to go through it and put a washer at both ends of the galvenized piece. This gives it a one inch spacer between the ski and the tub. Another thing that will help you is to take two pieces of rope thirty feet long each. Stretch them out fifteen feet and then tie the ends back to your sled hitch pins. That way when you are alone pulling your sled you can cross the ropes over your shoulder and it will work as a harness. Then when you have a partner you each take a rope over the shoulder. I hope this helps. P.M. me if you have any more questions or you are welcome to come see my sled. Pikeman GOFISH
I had the same problem and mounted skis on the bottom of mine (without spacers). I thought that would help get the sled on top of the snow at least so I would not be plowing my way to the fishing hole. IT DID NOT WORK!! I ended up removing the skis.
Don't waste your time with skis unless you use some type of spacer.
I bought my plastics for the spacers and the skis from USPlastics and my sled pulls a lot better and the bottom of the sled don't touch the snow or ice very often . I hope the pictures come through . Also I was having trouble with my rods getting all tangled up in my bucket so I modified It like this .Curt G.
How long are those spacer, looks like about 4" maybe, that looks like a good idea, are those just an old pair of ski's or something you bought
You want to stay with about 2" spacers , so when you flip the tent up the skirt still lays out flat . I bought the ski's on ebay for $ 18.00 and $10.00 shipping . They are used cross country ski's . Under the spacer I put some flat aluminum plate on both sides of the sleds bottom so the bolts won't pull out from the inside and to spread the weight out across the bottom so it don't cave in from the outside . I am going to modify mine one more time . I am going to build L brackets that bolt to the sides sled . The sled is a little tippy where I have the ski's mounted now . I would like to give them a wider stance . Curt G. PS I put in a picture of one of my setups to get you excited about the coming winter months .
I have a bucket wrap made by Frabill that I use. Has a quick clip and wraps around the outside of the bucket. Holds a bunch of rods and other gear if needed.I usually only carry 4 rods with me anyway but can hold many more.
I have seen them . We can use 5 rods at a time I carry 7 . Just in case I have trouble with one . Curt G.
That is why I carry 4 rods. I only use one at a time. Wouldn't want to have more than one to work at a time anyway.
Sometimes when the fishing is hot I can't use them all . What I do is try different baits at different depths until I find what they are biting on and then game on . I have three electric jiggers and two wind powered to keep my baits moving when they want it that way . Curt G.