07-14-2003, 05:06 PM
Just got back from a five day backpacking trip into the Windriver Wilderness area out of the elkheart park trail head. A friend and I hiked into Gorge Lake for our base camp. The fishing was great with a variety of flies. I packed in a float tube waders and fins. Fun fishing but a real pain in weight when it came time to come out of the "Gorge." We also took a day trip into Suicide Lake. The river in between the Gorge and Suicide was really high, but we managed to find fish in the pockets behind rocks and in the bends. There is nothing like seeing a trout fight its way up stream through clear water to get to the fly. The Mosquitoes at that elevation were terrible. I spraid every inch of skin that I could but they found my eyeballs and inner ear. I have never gone to the Windriver area and had a bad time. So I do not know why I am so surprised at the scenery and fishing every year. Does anyone else hike or horsepack the Windrivers?