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Full Version: hummingbird fishfinder problems
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[Image: confused.gif]Hi out there! This is Beadadina-Kokanee Bills other half. We--I have a problem with our fishfinder-it keeps collecting condensation. I've talked with Humingbird folks and others - no one else seems to have the problem. It really bothers 1 of us, so I thought I'd ask anyone out there if this is common. Only 1 year old. Been on the water 15-20 times. Stored covered. Any info appreciated. Thanks much. When we get more used to this site I'm sure both of us will be happy to contribute what we can. Again thanks.
hiya Beadadina ... you will probably get more replies to your question on either the [url ""]float tubing[/url] forum or the [url ""]freshwater forum[/url].. I am sure someone on either of those forums can give you an answer on your problem..

It is a fairly common problem if you use your finder while ice fishing. I can't say I've had the problem during the summer. When are you using it, summer or winter?
I'm going to move this thread to a more active board where you should get a better response.
I have one that takes AA batteries it did it once to me after the one time when i come home i take the cover off of the batteries and leave it off until i use it again.
When I used my Humminbird on the ice for the first time it did the same thing. To correct the problem I opened the back of the unit and purged it with "clean dry air" the stuff that is used to blow out the dust on computer keyboards.
I've had the same ordeal a few times with many brands of f/f's. I merely face my finder into the sun when it happens, that takes care of the problem after a short time. You could also try using your back lighting...
[Image: happy.gif]Hi-thanks for the info. Several others answered also and had about the same to say. I have to tell you that the name "Potsy" was a name my father called my mother when they were alive. I've never heard it before and never since! Makes me very happy to see that there is another person to whom Potsy is probably a term of endearment.
Thanks again and happy fishing!!
had that nick name now for about 19 years now wife kids and all inlaws call me that my mom still hates it.
Its a comon problem you can use silica to fix it- silica is a drying agent you will find it in jerky bags or and most producs that you want to keep dry it sucks the moisture out of everything I have used it for years keeps hooks from getting rust not telling you to go buy a bunch of jerky bags haha silica is avalable at smith and edys and a few other loctions .it works[Smile]
Hi, I hope this helps. I know a guy who's father worked for a(n) marine distributor. Things like fish finders to marine two ways to skiis and wake boards, almost everything. So I called him and asked him about your situation. He said that not all fish finders are meant to be used out on the ice. Regular fish finders for dryer seasons are not meant for the ice as they will sometimes freeze and thaw and freeze again and thaw again. This action will cause not only condensation but can also ruin the electronics inside the case. Once this happens it will happen again and again no matter how dry you get it inbetween. The regular ice fishing flashers are made for extreme conditions in cold and wet situations and this problem usually will not happen to them.
Now this is what he said and since he has dealt in these products for 30+ years I think he may know more than some others. Anyway just something to think about.