11-18-2010, 10:00 AM
It was a rainy, chilly, windy Tuesday morning when the Doctor and I went crappie fishing. We had to go. Phil&#39;s fish fry for his buddies is this coming Saturday and he still needed 78 crappie fillets. Time&#39;s running out. He wasn&#39;t too optimistic with the conditions being what they were. But never fear &#39;wonder dog is here&#39;. No wait, that is from a cartoon that I saw with my grandkids some time ago.<br /><br />Anyhow, we launched from Tyner Lane ramp about 7:30 in a drizzle that finally turned into a full blown rain. DK didn&#39;t have any rain britches, and didn&#39;t care, and he got soaked from the buttocks down. But we landed 33 crappie (21 of which were tall enough to ride the Tyner Lane shuttle) 2 smallies, 1 tiny lm bass and 1 bluegill. The Dr put it on the old Drumking today, cause the old DK was too stubborn to put on the hot lure. It seemed that the fish wanted only a bone/chartreuse bg shad. I finally switched over after I was very far behind.<br /><br />We caught our fish on bluffs and docks. Equal numbers from each structure. Dr Phil caught a 14.0 tarp black crappie. We had 4 fish over 13&quot; long and several over 12&quot;. Most of our keepers were 12 or better, then we hit one dock that had small fish on it. We fished with 1/16 oz jig heads as the wind/current made it impossible to fish smaller lures. emoBig