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drumking, chickamauga, crappie, 11/16/10, Dr Phillip Gawthrop
It was a rainy, chilly, windy Tuesday morning when the Doctor and I went crappie fishing. We had to go. Phil's fish fry for his buddies is this coming Saturday and he still needed 78 crappie fillets. Time's running out. He wasn't too optimistic with the conditions being what they were. But never fear 'wonder dog is here'. No wait, that is from a cartoon that I saw with my grandkids some time ago.<br /><br />Anyhow, we launched from Tyner Lane ramp about 7:30 in a drizzle that finally turned into a full blown rain. DK didn't have any rain britches, and didn't care, and he got soaked from the buttocks down. But we landed 33 crappie (21 of which were tall enough to ride the Tyner Lane shuttle) 2 smallies, 1 tiny lm bass and 1 bluegill. The Dr put it on the old Drumking today, cause the old DK was too stubborn to put on the hot lure. It seemed that the fish wanted only a bone/chartreuse bg shad. I finally switched over after I was very far behind.<br /><br />We caught our fish on bluffs and docks. Equal numbers from each structure. Dr Phil caught a 14.0 tarp black crappie. We had 4 fish over 13" long and several over 12". Most of our keepers were 12 or better, then we hit one dock that had small fish on it. We fished with 1/16 oz jig heads as the wind/current made it impossible to fish smaller lures. emoBigSmile emoGeezer

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