Getting PMs from a Nigerian scam. GIve us your banking info so we can give you millions! Why, because you're special and we really like you.[crazy]
Mods, can you block this sender from the site?
See post above in general forum.
Unfortunately, moderators don't have the rights to block anyone. It has been reported and hopefully an administrator will block the account soon.
I also got it.
Does this mean that we have to split the money?
u mean im not in line for the dough,i had it all spent[pirate]
Don't block it 'till I get my money!
I usually try to have some fun with those guys, I act like Im really interested and start spinning a story about how we should hang out and take our kids on a picnic and all kinds of dumb stuff. I can usually get them to play along for about 2-3 emails before they realize Im yankin' their chains but its worth a good laugh in the meantime. I hate those vultures so the more of their time I can waste the better.[laugh]
Just got my own PM from "New member ego", Madam Egobia Benjamin in Iran. Immediately deleted it.
Hope the Forum Admin. folks get on top of this soon. [mad][mad][mad][mad][mad]
I agree ban em! I got it tooo
Keep laughing guys, I sent all my info ss#, bank numbers, all of it!! I think this one is for real, I hope am blessed with many fortunes sooon! I might even share, if there is enough money to go around.
Yup I got it to and deleted it thanks to the moderators for checking into this for all of us
I dont get it. Someone mentioned that the moderators dont have the ability to block/ban them, well I question that. I have been banned quite a few times for some "constructive critiques" I have posted yet this yahoo gets away with spam. What gives? HAHAHA
Boy, the madam must have very, very deep pockets to pay off all the folks that provide her the info., like you???? [img]../../../images/gforum/

[quote trout_slayer]
I dont get it. Someone mentioned that the moderators dont have the ability to block/ban them, well I question that. I have been banned quite a few times for some "constructive critiques" I have posted yet this yahoo gets away with spam. What gives? HAHAHA
A moderator can ban a member from posting on a board that the moderator is assigned to moderate; however, they can not block a member from sending PMs to fellow members. Only an administrator has the ability to do that.
I got it and deleted it knowing that the mods and admins would be on top of it real quick.
I got the pm twice so does that meen i will get twice the money [

I got the same message twice 2day. Guess I'm special[:/] too. Hope the mods can stop it.
No, it means we have to divvy up the loot that many more ways.
By the time the hotspotters ruin it, we'll all only be able to buy a pack of gum.