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This is going to sound somewhat soppy, but I'm going to post this anyway and see what happens. Am posting this for anyone that has some sage comments/advice. I am shortly going to be 70, suspect this has something to do with "it". I have notice I have become more and more uncomfortable with viewing the "kill" of various game animals, etc., mainly large game, on TV etc.!!! And yet, I have an insatiable drive to hunt and fish myself!!!???? I'm really starting to get bothered by this. If I was to give up hunting and fishing I would waste away. Photography doesn't do it! I can't get rid of the "thrill of the stalk and kill"!!! Another example, realizing this isn't hunting but---------------, I'm really torn up bad to see these videos of bull elk/deer fighting with another and doing sever damage/killing each another. I know that's nature's way and doesn't relate to us and our sport but ------------? How about you Tube Dude? Because you are perseptive and Have a great gift to say "things" that are meaningful with a lot of merit, thought you might be able to comment!

hi leaky,

well this is common, my dad tells me about many of his buddies who cant handle the site any more, the fact that you can still do it is the natural self preservation instinct. you are holding well above the norm. congradulations [Smile] this is realy something when you concider the following.

my frend I can asure you if you saw a bunny rabbit run screaching when caught down by a wolf of fox even a natural ferril cat, you would be just as devistated as a hunting vidio. that part of you is reminding us of our own mortality and the closer we draw near to more we tend to develop a kinship to those who are about to parish

many hunters have a memory of a fawn burtily shot up by a slopy hunter and hearing the shreeks that sounds just like a baby crying before it is killed off that eventualy set in and softens the heart of a hunter to the point where he could hardly even hold a gun let alone disgharge it at another living animal.

in my early days of hunting I have found my self freezing up on the trigger, allowing animals simply walk away, it wasnt till I realized that the hunt dosnt always have to mean a kill to be sucessfull. and the only time I kill is when I need to in order to servive and then let nothing go to waist.

for those hunters who remain hunting to ther final days have maintained their rationality and their helth to the point were they can mentaly and physicly enjoy the thrill of the hunt.

so again my frend I say congradulations you are certainly cut from a finer cloth.[Wink] or should I say plad

Thanks! A lot of what you said Tube Dude said to me in a private message! Both of you guys seem to be very perceptive and good folk! It has helped!

no, leaky,

thank you for laying the ground work for that of a younger generation who has yet learned to apreceate the value of what we have and have taken for granted that prigalage we share, the rights to hunt and fish.
I to am bothered by the staged hunts tey show on TV, its all too clean and clear cut. You kno they're gonna get the kill. If I should be as lucky everytime I go into the field for a deer or elk just doesn't happen that way one out of three hunts for me are successful and I think thats doing good. But I've lost the desire to deer hunt in Utah because of the draw I just hate the thing enough said about that....bed time now for an early rise to go fishing at Jordanelle...

Leaky if I see you there I'll have a cool one for you, if not I'll be drinking yours LOL