09-10-2003, 12:06 AM
This is going to sound somewhat soppy, but I'm going to post this anyway and see what happens. Am posting this for anyone that has some sage comments/advice. I am shortly going to be 70, suspect this has something to do with "it". I have notice I have become more and more uncomfortable with viewing the "kill" of various game animals, etc., mainly large game, on TV etc.!!! And yet, I have an insatiable drive to hunt and fish myself!!!???? I'm really starting to get bothered by this. If I was to give up hunting and fishing I would waste away. Photography doesn't do it! I can't get rid of the "thrill of the stalk and kill"!!! Another example, realizing this isn't hunting but---------------, I'm really torn up bad to see these videos of bull elk/deer fighting with another and doing sever damage/killing each another. I know that's nature's way and doesn't relate to us and our sport but ------------? How about you Tube Dude? Because you are perseptive and Have a great gift to say "things" that are meaningful with a lot of merit, thought you might be able to comment!