If you looking for a cheap Ice Sled here a good solution for ya:
This one is a little bigger than the one I used last year but plenty room for gear for 2 people, I lay my gas auger & eskimo quickfish3 on top and put my 5 gallon buckets with my gear in the middle. For 14 bucks work great you could probable get two strap them together if you need more space.
[cool][#0000ff]Always a way to save money...but you are likely to give up something in other ways. I know a guy who tried one. With the squared off ends it is like trying to pull a Jet Sled backwards. Okay on smooth ice but impossible in deeper snow. Even with a pair of old skis attached to the bottom it was tough to plow through snow.[/#0000ff]
That didn't take long to get moved.... figured....
Wonder if you could fashion some PVC or Plastic to make like a Cow-catcher from the front of a train? Cut right through the thick snow! Does look like it's got longitudinal grooves.
Is the plastic as sturdy as ones like the JetSled?
I tried to use a little kiddie sled at first - too narrow, too flexy, and waaaay top heavy once I had it piled up.
Personally - I thought this looked like a good tub for a doggie bath! Might just have to check 'em out.
I did find a folding sled on Ebay for $25. Can post a link later. I'll be interested to see how flimsy it is, but big enough for an auger plus. And it rolls up to the size of a tent or camp chair. It has a pointy tip design.
[cool][#0000ff]The one I saw looked to be pretty thin walled plastic...compared to a Jet Sled. And even the Jet Sleds will wear through after a couple of seasons or running over rough ice...and parking lot concrete or gravel.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]My best suggestion would be to hit a pawn shop or yard sale (in the winter...right) to find a small toboggan type sled. Then put the plastic box on top of that. The front will handle deep snow a lot better then. Three or four skis might be better than two. But the square nose absolutely bogs down in fresh snow.[/#0000ff]
Actually not hard to pull at all even without any additional mods. There times were short tug and the sled glides on its own and that's with the weight of a power auger & ice tent.
The only mod Ive ever add is I drill 8 holes around the lip of the tub So I can weave some rope through it to making a rope handle.
If you skeptical give it a try 14 bucks vs 40 to 80 ... and if you dont like it the tube can always be used elsewere.
read the reviews
Mtn Man
Location:Sylva, NC
Date:April 13, 2010
5 / 5
3 / 5
4 / 5
5 / 5
Ease of use:
5 / 5
Our town ran out of sleds this winter. I had the idea to pick up one of these bad boys and let the kids slide down our long hill. Well, I can honestly say, these make the best sleds EVER!! The groves on the bottom create snow ridges and you FLY with these. Best part is that even an adult can fit in with the kids. Attach a rope to front and now start competing against your friends. Could be a little bit cheaper, but hey, it worked. My kids had other kids with $30 sleds wanting to use theirs - even wanting to trade 'em. Great fun.
Check them out they allot more durable then the picture shows and like tubedude says the plastic on jet sled isn't all that but for 14 bucks you could buy 2 tubs place them inside themselves to double up the density and still be cheaper then a jet sled . [

[cool][#0000ff]Not making a personal attack or challenging your personal observations. Just relaying what my buddy felt about the one he tried. As with all things fishing...and most other things in life...it is a subjective thing. We develop our own feelings and outlook based upon our own needs and experiences. If it works the way you want it then you have a winner.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have 2 Jet Sleds. They serve me well and I do not know how I would get by with any less space for all my stuff. Not likely I will have to make a replacement any time soon but I will keep an open mind and see what is available when I do.[/#0000ff]
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No worries, isnt that what called passive aggressive "hey Im not challenging you" but my buddies said there sleds are a POS LOL I guess if you put in disclaimer in your post you can say just the thing you claimed not to do.
Like you said to each his own, these sleds were not made for the sole purpose as a Ice sled like the Jet sled was that's like comparing Fords to Ferrari's s. That being said there a fraction of the price 14 vs 80 . This was nothing more than a suggestion for a less expensive alternative.
I don't mean to be arrogant but I have to remember to get the seal of approval from the almighty tubedude or his buddie before I make any suggestion [


