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Has anyone tried Hyrum lately? Is it safe to fish yet?
Get over and find out! LOL
I thought it was a good question. Twood like to know myself. Been meaning to run by. I'll bet there's some that drive right past it everyday... or stop and set up a tent!
Hey Big G I'm not seeing much daylight these days unlike somebody I know that gets to play all day. So since you have time why don't you run by for me? You heading up this way for Christmas? If so maybe we can sneak out for awhile. Later J
I heard from my buddy up in Logan that nothing up that way is freezing yet...with the exception of mantua. He said porcupine hasn't even started forming ice and I believe I remember him saying Hyrum was the same...but this was last week so all could have changed by now
Lets plan on day after Christmas We will be there!
There is no ice and it probably won't freeze at all this year. I know it's tough news but we will just have to muddle through. Maybe you could fish mantua, I heard it's frozen. Just so everyone knows Hyrum will NOT freeze and it isn't worth the time time to drive by it!
Good info I was wondering about porcupine as well but I don't remember when the Kokanee opens up again but I'd like to smoke a few of those for holiday guests. May have to wait a while yet. Thanks J
Sounds fun better chance of fish than geese when things freeze over. Plus they do taste better to me. We can let the girls go do their shopping thing and we'll stay out of their hair. Kids will like to catch fish and can slide around on the sleds. Let's do it. J
Newton is frozen up here. So things are freezing up this way.
Kokanee opened back up the last saturday of september
Man I hope those waters start to freeze up! Get the crowds off Mantua!!! I've already noticed the fishing is starting to slow down up there
Haha! I am hoping to hit Newton soon. That will make one less on Mantua.
Enough said I'll be right over. They are pretty small fish there this year but it is fun to catch some. I'll see ya walking on the water. J
Thanks I need to read my regs more often. Now all I need is ice and time. I appreciate you taking time to pass on that info. Thanks J
Just so you know, Hyrum and Porcupine are pretty much always the last lakes to freeze over up in this region. They are deep.

I believe Catmaster said Hyrum in fact will not be freezing over this year. So there ya have it.
[quote catmaster23]There is no ice and it probably won't freeze at all this year. I know it's tough news but we will just have to muddle through. Maybe you could fish mantua, I heard it's frozen. Just so everyone knows Hyrum will NOT freeze and it isn't worth the time time to drive by it![/quote]

There you have it. The Great Oz Has Spoken! Or is it Punxsutawney Phil?
You forgot to mention that the only fish in there are dinky little 4 inch perch, stunted baby bass, and 10" planter bows.
Oh - also worth telling them how bad it smells - what with Conagra meat packing. Not to mention all the cows and pigs.

So you can be SURE you won't be seeing Catmasters tent out on the "water"! [crazy] [:p] [cool]
Yup I got it. Won't worry about that puddle for quite a while at least until next year. Later J
You forgot to mention all the a holes from wellsville that like to fish there. Dang guys think they own the place
[Wink] I heard there was open water on Hyrum but there was people fishing what ice there was. Not safe in my mind yet.

Newton is iced over, but dangerously thin is some areas.

Treasureton, just over the Idaho border is in great shape now.

Chesterfield is thick and solid.

I have not heard about Daniels yet, but I usually consider it time to go over and check when Treasureton is froze. Maybe this Sunday.

Weston near the dam should be really thick by now also.

I saw a city on Mantua on Sunday.

Think I am going to give Treasureton another go round in the morning. [:p]
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