Mine will be going out in Monday or Tuesdays mail and will throw in an extra. Drawing, big carp, it all sounds good. I like the big carp idea. I can not think of anything else but someone out there should have something creative and fun.
Mine are going out tomorrow[

Mine are headed out tomorrow as well.
That's so cool that you guys do this! Maybe someday I can join in. For now - I can offer this instead.
When you talk about flying carp . . .
How about a Carp Taste Test? Some say they are better than Talapia or Catfish (Asian carp anyway). Check out "[url "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1NVUV8yhmU"]Flying Fish, Great Dish[/url]" ([url "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CB-fmA07gZ8"]part2[/url], [url "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhGkjwxm_0o"]part3[/url]) - no seriously!
work has been nuts latley so hopfuly tomorrow thurs of friday ill have a chance to sit down and wip them out
as for eating carp if they are out of cold water they are a dang good eating fish. but the person prepairing it has to know how to cook it or it is terrible. smaked its also quite good
that shoudl be smoke but smaking them is fun too
I know you are all cringing and saying ick, but a lot of our fish eating prejudices are based on looks and not on experience. Carp are eaten in most other countries, and they were brought here as a food fish.
Their very adaptability is a strike against them. If they can live in warm trashy water they must be a trash fish. --- And yes, you don't want to eat anything from polluted water. Here in Idaho most of the water is clean even if it is roiled and muddy.
Cold and clean water as well as preparation is key to eating it. The preparing starts as soon as it is caught. They need to be bleed out, gutted, and chilled as soon as possible. After fileting all of the skin and dark meat out, then a brief soak in a mild brine helps to remove any blood from the filets. Cook as you would any fish. Handled and prepared right they can be a good tasting fish.
CoyoteSpinner, The species of carp that are the "Asian Flying Carp" or "Silver Fish" are different than what is here in Idaho. They are a VERY good eating fish. The bone structure is the same though, so the three videos you referenced are the best out there for how to filet carp or pike....any of the "Y" bone fish.
Here is a discussion about cooking carp that was posted some time ago. [url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?post=623186"]http://www.bigfishtackle.com/...orum.cgi?post=623186[/url]
Carp are actually not a bad tasting fish. The problem with them is the bones, which makes for more preparation.
Now if I could just catch the crafty buggers!!!
I'm done!![cool] Carpoodle
That's a sweet looking fly. I can't wait to try it out once the weather warms up!
looks great! I actually sent in a few different patterns so Chris will have to figure out who gets what fly. I get too bored tying up the same thing. I basically sent in ones I know work with a little variation on a couple. Hope that's ok- this way I'm hoping for responses as to who caught fish on which fly![cool][cool] method to the madness[

btw- eddiefish knows of some guys that tried eating some of those dinos...they need to watch a few more videos on how to prepare them next go around[:|]
Those look great! Can't wait to see them in person!
I also received ironrod's today. He sent quite an array! It would be tough to decide who gets what, so I'll make it as random as possible.
[quote flyfishingfool]That's a sweet looking fly. I can't wait to try it out once the weather warms up![/quote]
With a fly rod or a spinning...[


] Just razzin ya, but you picked the name[laugh][laugh]
They look good, and I would love to see pictures of everyone's flies!
Me Too. the ones I have seen so far look like works of art . Curt G.
Haha with a fly rod of course! [cool] Usually the only time I use spinning gear is through the ice. I would like to try some flies though sometime. I have seen guys use fly reels on their ice rods.
An old fly reel is what I have mainly been using for ice fishing. I took the fly line off. Put a wrap of 1/8th inch foam on top of the backing---except the end of the backing. Tied mono on to the backing end and then wound it on to the reel. It works great. The foam keeps the mono from digging into the backing.
Sorry this is off topic!!
Great tip C. I do have four spinning ice poles...just haven't used them yet...LOL
Just funnin wiht you flyguy. Pokymon has been using my flies and ding quite well. Really got me double thinking the walk on water idea. By the time I decide to try it, it will probably be open water with this weather...LOL
got them finished late last night will mail them Monday
![[Image: 120218_0000.jpg]](http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa311/thekillerbug/120218_0000.jpg)
Great fly and cool tying hooks. Where did you pick the hooks up at?
rodger has them there the gamagatso jig hooks spendy buggars but they are amazing