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Great Job with the Swap! Got my flys yesterday and everyone did a great job. I really liked the jigs. Can't wait to get up to Blackfoot and get them wet.[cool]
Got mine today...look out water! Nice job all. Chris I will get back to you on the mistery one
What would be a basic carp fly rig for a 10 year old boy or an inexperienced wife? What kind of line, leader, rod weight?
See what others say but I would go with a 7 weight rod. Pretty versatile all around and paired with a WF line for ease of casting. Floating line for sure.
I just tie a long stretch of 15 lb mono for my "tippet" and use a leader with a big butt section. I might have done 12 lb mono, I can't quite remember.
That should provide a good all around set up (rod and line), big enough for carp, and provide ease of casting for a beginner to get going with. Should be able to find something like that in the lower end of the pricing structure too whether new or used.
If you ran across a 6 or 8 weight you liked for a great deal consider those too. The 6 may be more versatile than the 8 overall tho if you are fishing for trout also.
Thanks for the info. I'll start looking around.

[quote lucabrasi] and use a leader with a big butt section.[/quote]

Oops, you lost me here. Is there a leader number or weight or something that I should look for?
I prefer an Eight weight specially for grass carp. Plus heavier flies, but I have caught them on a six. I use the floating line with a 6' furled leader and about 4' to 5' of 8 lb to 12 lb fluorocarbon. Carp can be easily spooked so I like the Fluoro factor.
The butt section of the leader is the section where it connects to the line. The bigger the butt section the more capable it is to toss bigger flies. If you were to get a premade leader with 5x or 7x tippet the butt section is most likely smaller than one with a 0x tippet. Look on the leader package for the butt diameter and go with a bigger one for tossing bigger flies then tie your tippet on from there. You can make your own leader for sure but this is the simplest for starting out. Any good fly shop will help you with that.
Fluorocarbon would be better than mono for sure for this, That may be what I used, have to look at the spool, but I am so old that I just seem to remember mono off the top of my head it seems. Been using mono for 40 years rather than the last 5 or so.
I would also say go with an 8 will make things a lot easier in the long run. Carp can be landed on lighter wt rods but an 8 wt makes it a little more enjoyable, especially if you are throwing big flies like a crawdad pattern.
I'm just an interloper here, but I wanted to say that I am looking forward to future photos and reports from flyswap participants. Please let us know how those forum-tied flies worked out for you.
Bounce on this thread. Carp have been very active lately and a blast. Sadly, non of the flies have been the geturdun choice. Fly choice is sort of the reason for this post however.
Lucabrasi, you sent a pattern you wanted to see if I could duplicate for you.
I tied up a couple for myself as well. The Black with pink legs was a good lead fly and a way to get down, however, It remains in the lip of a very large Carp as I type this. Note to self, do NOT use 3X when fishing for these Carp.
Anyway, I mentioned to you that I was going to vary the pattern to Olive with Chart. rubber legs. BASS LOVE THIS THING!!!!
[Image: IMG_4220.jpg]
[Image: IMG_4218.jpg]
[Image: IMG_4220.jpg]

Now as for the Carp.....this was the smallest of the day, and I had to go ashore to land it.

[Image: IMG_4221.jpg]
Good deal. Those are very sharp flies you tied. I will get you a picture sometime the next few months when I get out.
I casted to and caught an 18 lber with that fly last year.
I lost a much bigger one with 12 or 15 lb after he wrapped around some stuff.
3x on bass, lots of fun....3x on carp, lots of swearing.
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