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I have been fishing a local pond with my fly rod and catch a few Everytime on Mosquitos and its the only dry I catch them on. I also catch them on a zebra midge but I know I can catch more with a emerger or another nymph. Any suggestions on what fly would work or that you guys have had success with? And what size?
try a big stonefly or maybe a green drake or pheasent tail stripped back. for dries try BWO's or renegades
I'm moving your post over to the fly fishing forum and let them help you.
Hare's ear is my mainstay nymph, caught fish in just about every body of water I've fished with them. I go a little bigger (10-12) in still water, and strip the line in slowly.

Tiny tan, grey, or olive scuds work virtually everywhere/anytime too, if you know where the fish are hanging out.

In the summer I always have a blast on the community ponds with a 14ish PMD dry or emerger. Especially if it's a pond with bluegill, they will hit it hard and all day long and even the tiny ones give a good fight! Not sure if they'd be taking a BWO now or not.

If the majority of the trout look like they are too far out to reach, as is the case with the pond I generally go to, I still find stragglers (often bigger ones!) under the docks, near the weeds, or at the edge of a drop-off. Half the battle is fishing where the fish are.

I think pond fish are somewhat spoiled, especially with all them folks filling the water with Powerbait as soon as the temps hit 60. If I'm not getting hits, I like to try something that looks a bit different, bright colors, lots of contrast (maybe part of why the zebra works well?) or with some sparkle, to make it more compelling.
Small leaches have worked well for me. Zebra midges in black with red wire have also produces well.
Damsel Fly nymphs will be a good fly as the weather gets warmer.
Agree with Kim, Haresear #12. Also Chironomids under an indicator now.
I have had great success with a #14 renegade fished as a dry and as a wet. Better success with a #12 BH Flashback Phesant tail and #12 BH Haresear. Both under a indicator. Olive and black wollybuggers work well also. Good luck[Smile]
Really want to have fun, throw a Royal Wulff out and hang on. I have no idea what that represents, but it is awesome.
[quote flygoddess]Really want to have fun, throw a Royal Wulff out and hang on. I have no idea what that represents, but it is awesome.[/quote]

+1. I've always got a bunch of oversized (size 6 & 8) Royal wulffs and they do great on still water. They've also worked very well in the past when I couldn't get anything close to what was hatching on a trout stream. On the Beaver river many years ago, I caught about 20 fish in an hour during a small mayfly hatch. I didn't have anything that remotely matched but as soon as I started slapping the water (literally) with a giant RW, they seemed to like it. Not sure why. Bluegill and smaller LMB seem to really like it also.

Love the Royal Wullfs. Could resemble ants.