im thinking a bird, possibly a raccoon got this guy. i posted the pic large so you could see the fish
Hard to say from the photo. It looks like a Bald Eagle swipe to me.
Looks like six gouge lines on the side you were showing. If there were 2 gouge lines on the other side it was likely a Bald Eagle.
An Osprey swipe would be 4 gouge lines on each side.
2gouges on th opposite side
Seeing a lot of Baldies this year. That would be my guess. As they say in Canada "nice Troot"
I thought those were just your dimples[laugh].
Looks like one from the sandy pond! I had a brown last week that had all sorts of scratches on it that now its being mentioned a bird makes sense...
I've seen at least a dozen bald eagles just driving around the valley this winter. I wonder why they're so prevalent this year? Despite (or maybe because of) the cold, it has been a really good winter for spotting cool birds. I just saw a large flock of tundra swan in a farmer's field on Sunday. That was a pretty cool sight.
Eagles driving around the valley? Man, those birds are getting sneaky, eh?
(Thanks for the delightful straight line, my friend. Couldn't resist.)
Wow !!! That fish looks like it took a beating, definitely could be a bird. Ive also seen ferrets / minks in the area I dont know if they eat fish but I think they eat anything, if they can get a hold of it.
Oh Nice Fish other than the scratch its a pretty nice size fish. Congratz !!!
Yeah, they've become quite adaptive around these parts [:p]
At least that fish gave you a bright
and fin wave. [
Nice picture of the semi beat up brown but not close as ugly as my bow from willow pond ha ha ha. [laugh]
Don't forget about the river otters...although it does look like claw marks.
i kind of thought the same thing about otters, but since we are the only folks that fish that section and all i have ever seen is muskrats i dont think there are any there. but that does not mean there are not any around
The DWR released several otters in there a year or two ago.
hrmm i thought that was the middle and upper provo only? would not suprise me though
Yeah just those parts of the provo, were you fishing elsewhere? If so then I don't know if it was otters.