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Full Version: Newbie with dumb question.
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I have an Eskimo 949 Fat Fish Tent and was nearly blown off the ice at Strawberry. My hubs kept collapsing in the wind and dropping the tent on top of us. This was our first time fishing in the wind. My daughter was NOT impressed with her dad that day.[crazy]

How do you keep the hubs from collapsing? The only thing I can think of is to put ice anchors in the ice and tie guy lines to the hubs.

Any other ideas???

Thanks for any input.

[quote FrozenRod]

The only thing I can think of is to put ice anchors in the ice and tie guy lines to the hubs.


Welcome to BFT. You answered your own question, that is what one has to do. Your tent probably came with guy lines already attached to the hubs (at least mine did and I know others who have also). You need to get them out as far as the lines will reach, in order to get the leverage needed to keep the walls from collapsing. That said, if the wind is blowing hard enough that also won't work, because the lines will just tear off of the tent.
Long string with more ice screw too keep it still.