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Full Version: anyone gonna go coyote huntin??
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jack had me pick out a christmas present, he wanted me to git a pistol but i said we had cliff to use so i went lookin round the store. and found these new callers that,s run by battery. it,s cool. ended up gittin the turkey one but forgot we can,t use them in vt because their considered electronic. but we can use it durin deer. isn,t that crazy?? haha well anyways, we ordered the small game one. to be used fer the coyotes. so we.ll be doin that soon. got to git my new licence. tje 2nd. can,t wait to use it/ you guys seen em yet?? their cool. got a long cord and got to nuy the speaker seperate. i think it,s worth it. sounds so real./ should work good. laterhave a good safe new years.[Smile]
well, then i,ll reply, haha. we went out today, first time jack and i,ve been coyote huntin before. quite the site. haha. were all decked out in our huntin gear with 4-5 layers on, can hardly move to walk, cause it was so cold. the winds whippin like the devil, and jacks got it so,s he hooked the caller up on his bag wrapped around his neck, to the bag, he keeps it in, on him and the speaker too, and he lets it go off. well it scat him. me too, haha nad we start laughin., i says well just think if ya had bout 10 people sittn round lettin this thing off, the deer the coyotes and anythin else that was around would be so scat they be runnin right back and forth and ya couldn,t figure what to shoot. haha well we got laughin again, and [Smile] the tears that were rollin down my face almost froze. haha what a sight. 2 idiots sittin in the middle of the field laughin their ever lovin off. we had fun. if nobody else did. haha [Wink]
hey mere , was fun huh ? i can't do any this year but it sure is fun when ya get one !
ya gotta be stiller than a rock to get them in close . i usually get on a ridge behind some brush or logs and start the calling , wait a few minutes and do it again , sooner or later they will show up down below .
hey there lLONEHUNTER!! haha FINALLY YOU WRITE ME.! AND I WRITE YA SO MANY TIMES AND YOU WONT WRITE ME, AND THEN FINALLY YA DO AND I GIT HOT ABOUT IT ON THE OTHER ONE, BOUT THE BAITIN DEER, AND YOU FINALLY WRITE ME her haha, HAHA you guys need to explain to me what your situation is where why how ya hunt. i can,t fathom not havin land to hunt on. i,m sorry. to you and dave. that stinks. but i don,t understand less ya tell me.[Smile] but we can,t bait, so i don,t have to worry bout it. how come ya can,t go coyote huntin????? are ya doin the fishin thing?? we don,t have only 2 inches of ice. i,m not goin the weathers been back and forth. not safe! well don,t git too hot at me and not talk to me fer another 3 months. it,s just good to have ya talkin to me and bien able to understand whats goin on down there. come huntin up here with me and jack. later