12-31-2003, 04:04 AM
jack had me pick out a christmas present, he wanted me to git a pistol but i said we had cliff to use so i went lookin round the store. and found these new callers that,s run by battery. it,s cool. ended up gittin the turkey one but forgot we can,t use them in vt because their considered electronic. but we can use it durin deer. isn,t that crazy?? haha well anyways, we ordered the small game one. to be used fer the coyotes. so we.ll be doin that soon. got to git my new licence. tje 2nd. can,t wait to use it/ you guys seen em yet?? their cool. got a long cord and got to nuy the speaker seperate. i think it,s worth it. sounds so real./ should work good. laterhave a good safe new years.[
