Went out yesterday morning, check station was open early. The water is warm, mid eighties. Saw many pros prefishing but no action. Las Vegas wash is a delta now, probably quicksand. So
. Snagged one little striper. Can still launch at Government but getting harder. Lot's of litter.
Let's pray that El NiƱo drops lots of water on us this winter or we all will be hurting everywhere for water.
Im taking my canoe out in the morning, should I even bother with the wash or just head out to more open water?
Trash is right ! i launched the ole yak outta Gov. wash about a week ago , so much garbage blown up in the coves of Gov , really nasty , and of course there is always piles of Corona Bottles every time i go there .
Since we are on the topic of trash... I came across this mess the last time out around the boxcar area. Multiple trashed tents, dog kennels, cooking stuff, clothes, etc. I have never come across a mess like this before on Mead. It's rare to even see trash floating around. What is/use to be so nice out there. Cleeeean. Not so much these days...
One of the main reasons I dont even bother with that side of mead anymore.
People are disgusting!!!
Hit the water at 4:20am in the canoe, off water at 8:30am, caught 5 total, kept 4 for tacos, biggest was about 4#s all the rest about 1 to 2#s. Followed the boils around the coves in Boxcar and found a huge boil from one side of a cove to the other(which is where I pulled the 4#er that broke my reel and 2 others) and would have probably caught a bunch more when 2 jack-holes in a crappy boat saw me reeling them and and hauled ass straight to the middle of the boil full throttle almost tipping my canoe and dispersing the boil to nothing instantly.