Opinions- for a family of 3 adults and 2 under 10 years old, should I go with Eskimo quick fish 6, or clam six pack 1660 mag? Thank you and happy fishing
I don't have any experience with the tents but I have been talking with Clam customer service this week. I bought one of those rattlin spoon jigs and the first time using it the rattle came off in the water. I emailed them more for more of an informative email to them and not a complaint. The person that responded was awesome and I have a new spoon on the way. From just a customer service based experience I give clam a 10!!!
I have a clam and love it. It is not the model you are looking at but I still love it. I think the coldest temperature we used it in was -24 on Scofield last year and my son and I were plenty warm inside the clam. I have no experience with Eskimo.
I have an Eskimo quick 6. And my buddy has the clam. The clam has so much more room. The base footprint allows you to spread out your holes so you don't get tangled when the fish run. But the down side to the clam, is its long bag. It sticks out of the sled a long way. But considering that, my next shack will be the clam 1660 mag.
Have both clam all the way
Thank you all for your input, it sounds like i will be going with the clam!