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Full Version: Grabbed a couple of new rods yesterday..
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I bought two Daiwa 1 piece rods yesterday at NPS, got both for $27...the reviews were pretty good and for that price I could not pass them up, both 6'6" fast action M weight. One is an Aird X and the other is a Triforce, pairing them both with Shimano Sienna 2500FD reels.
Nice, I've been hearing good thing about the NPS store for years but I've never been there, were is it located?
1600 S. Empire Rd. (1800 W.)

The rods retail for like $30 and $50, they have them for $20 and $29 and they were also 35% off, wish they were two piece for ease of transport but they will be ok once in the boat. And I grabbed the reels for $16 each.
Thanks for the info, is it a hard place to find? Sounds like some good prices.
No, big place. Market is on the west side, industrial is on east side, industrial has sporting goods, lots of tackle at the moment.
Great, have you ever seen a GoPro there? Do they have a web site that I can look at or do you just have to go down there?
Haven't seen a GoPro, no website but they have Facebook, best to go check it out.