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I have been out lately and seen a lot of planer boards in use. I wanted to start a discussion on the use of these and see if there was a type that you prefer over others or if some of you are just making your own. I would like to get a set and give them a try. Fishing with my little boys we seem to get tangled frequently[:/]. It seems that using a set of these would help to spread out the lines despite what the 4 year old is doing[Wink]. Also, when you use these, do you use just one on each side or do you do multiples?
[quote betterthanwork]I have been out lately and seen a lot of planer boards in use. I wanted to start a discussion on the use of these and see if there was a type that you prefer over others or if some of you are just making your own. I would like to get a set and give them a try. Fishing with my little boys we seem to get tangled frequently[:/]. It seems that using a set of these would help to spread out the lines despite what the 4 year old is doing[Wink]. Also, when you use these, do you use just one on each side or do you do multiples?[/quote]

Tons of info here [url ""][/url]
I use two. One on each side. That way I can run two lines out the side and two out the back.
I have been using 2 of these and plan to get 2 more. They work great and are easy to handle.

[url "!product/prd18/3773532341/tx-6-magnum-mini-planer-board"]!product/prd18/3773532341/tx-6-magnum-mini-planer-board[/url]
Those are the exact ones I use as well, they are small and don't cause a lot of drag, as you are reeling in the fish and they are harder to loose, compared to the Offshore brand. I have run four of them at a time, when the bite is better, off to the side of the boat, rather than straight behind the boat. I have seen folks run 6 of them but I've never tried it.
If I am frisky I run 6 lines out my boat:
2 on riggers, 2 long lines out the back, and two on planers. This method really helps determine what color/pattern of a lure the fish like.
I added Planer boards to my arsenal late last year. This spring they've caught >50% of my fish caught while trolling.

I use one off-shore and one cabellas. They are essentially the same.

I altered mine by tying a separate pole directly to the planer board then using a downrigger clip for the fishing line. This allows me to reel in the fish without fighting the board.

I also routinely run 6 lines out of my boat (2x planers, 2 x downrigger, 2 x shallow flies or light lines fished over the downriggers)

Last week when the fishing was slow, I stacked the downriggers and ran 8 for a while).

I was surprised how well they perform even in windy and wavy conditions.

I highly recommend getting a pair and playing with them. They are fun fishing toys for sure.
Bingo, I do the same thing as you running the board on one pole and the lure on a second rod... I hate adding more distraction to the fight of my fish... I like the catching of the fish, not the drag of a stinking planner board... Going to try this on my pontoon for catfish, I notice most of the cats I catch is when my lure pulls through the area that the boat hasn't traveled, so if I use a board maybe I won't have to do as many "s" turns... think I'll try a modified mast system on the toon... Plus a week or so back Adam Eckle showed a cool method to run more lines off each planner board... See the Willard Bay program... It let's you run several lines off to the same side and is really cool...

Does anyone have a DIY design for making a strong planner board to run off a mast? I just want one that will pull hard to the side that I can use as a fixed spot to attach my other lines to this main sideline, doesn't have to be something that you can still land a fish while attached to it... Thanks all... J
For small lures and lining catfish bait out away from my tube I have been using these.

[url ""][/url]

Not a ton of extra equipment and can be switched to run on either side with minimal effort.

Another thing that I like it that you can set you hook as far back as you want and once the fish is hooked the little wire arm will pop loose and the planner will slide down out of the way.

One day at Utah Lake I was fishing over a spot that still had the root system on the bottom from their prag removal program. I ended up feeding out just enough line to keep the bait from getting snagged up. Then used the planner to pull it out to the side and it worked like a charm.

I have used them on rivers also to get the lure into spots without spooking fish in shallow areas. Almost like trolling in reverse.
I too use the church tackle boards. I also picked up a couple of the green cabelas boards too to try out. The church ones are small and the cabelas are a bit bigger.
I have been thinking of trying a planner board on my kick boat. I am worried that at the slower speeds the planner board won't work. How do they work at slow speeds?

Thanks I hadn't seen that kind before, they sound like a good deal... Thanks J
They work with the small church ones. However since on a toon it really isn't needed. I tried one and ended up losing the fish.
[left]I run the church walleye boards , they definitely tug on the rods hard, but they work even with musky baits so i just use beefier rods when trollling to haul them in . highly recommend using planers to improve your odds when trolling. I only run one on each side but ive seen guys pulling a couple each side ( too much work and too easily tangled if you ask me)
Wow a lot of great advice and suggestions, Thank you. How far out from the boat do you like to fish them? I have read people going as much as 100 feet but that sounds a little excessive and prone to tangling. Any thoughts
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[font "Calibri"]I for one absolutely hated fighting the board, even the mini’s listed above. I use 8’6” trolling rods for most applications. Trying to get an inline board off a rod at that length under a Bimini is nothing I wanted any part off. Too many fish lost!! For me the home made catamaran style board was the only way to go. The only things I would do different is shorten the overall length by two inches. Mini masts are held in rod holder just forward of the wind shield. Fight the fish, not the board!![/font]
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[font "Calibri"]Edit: To answer your question above I run my boards anywhere from 20’-80’. [/font]
Just put a mast together that mounts over my front seat pedestal shaft- building two new dual planer boards this weekend. Should be able to run multiple rods off each side.
I would love to see some pictures of your rig once you get it all done. I am wanting to build a similar rig for my boat
[quote WiperMac][font "Times New Roman"] [/font]
[font "Calibri"]I for one absolutely hated fighting the board, even the mini’s listed above. I use 8’6” trolling rods for most applications. Trying to get an inline board off a rod at that length under a Bimini is nothing I wanted any part off. Too many fish lost!! For me the home made catamaran style board was the only way to go. The only things I would do different is shorten the overall length by two inches. Mini masts are held in rod holder just forward of the wind shield. Fight the fish, not the board!![/font]
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I'd like to see those in action. So is the catamaran hooked to your boat and not your rod? so when the fish hits it releases from the catamaran? sounds almost like a floating downrigger setup, I like it

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[font "Calibri"]Edit: To answer your question above I run my boards anywhere from 20’-80’. [/font][/quote]
Yes, that is exactly how they work. That's why I like the mast idea, hope I can figure one out for my toon. Later J
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