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Bear lake mack - Printable Version

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Re: [FlyFishingMoose] Bear lake mack - bodine11 - 12-22-2003

I can understand why you might want to keep a few fish expecially when you have to travel a ways to get here. But these larger fish are the breeding stock. If these fish are depleted then the quality of fishing goes down. I live 18 miles from the marina and fish the lake alot. My sons also do. Take care and keep a few but any you release can be caught later and bigger. Tight lines.

Re: [bodine11] Bear lake mack - FlyFishingMoose - 12-22-2003

You're one of the lucky to live that close, I can understand your point of view. And I appreciate it also. I caught my first Bear Lake Mac this year and it was also the first time I had ever fished there. Thanks to the help of some good friends met on this board we had a heck of a time. Old_Coot, Wiperhunter2, & Lundman were the great folks I fished with on that day. I did my share to practice C&R when I pulled up a 8lber but I wish too that I could have had it for dinner also, but the nice white fish and the cut I caught were enough for the day. Here is a pic of the largest fish I've ever caught.

Re: [mtnman] Bear lake mack - tightline - 12-22-2003

So what part of the lake did you pound that big Cutt? And what time of year. I hit one that looked very similar last Feb. Typical story is there was no camera and therefore no picture. He is still in there I am sure. It seemed real young for it's size.


Re: [tightline] Bear lake mack - mtnman - 12-22-2003

I hooked into this fish in january, trolling a rapala near cisco beach about 2:00. We had caught 30+ fish that day. I had been setting the hook and letting my young son reel them in. I set the hook on that 12 pounder, felt him for a couple cranks then handed it to the boy and said, this is a little better one than you have been catching (thinking it was about 7 lbs or so). He got a couple cranks on it and that is when $hit happened. He was jerked to the back of the boat and the pole tip hit the water. I snatched the pole, then the boy (in that order). I said sorry son, this one's mine. But he's proud to tell everyone "ME AND MY DAD CAUGHT THAT FISH"

Re: [mtnman] Bear lake mack - wiperhunter2 - 12-22-2003

That is one awesome fish, I don't think I'm seen one that big come out of Bear lake. Last year or earlier this year Predator caught one that was 9lbs but those big fish must be few and far between. Have you or anyone else caught one bigger than your 12lber? WH2

Re: [wiperhunter2] Bear lake mack - muskyhunter - 12-22-2003

"HOLD MY BEER" ONE ON!! That rocks,my motto all the way!!M.H.

Re: [wiperhunter2] Bear lake mack - mtnman - 12-22-2003

That's my biggest. My fishing partner bodine11 caught one 9lbs and his dad caught one around 10.My uncle caught one 11. The biggest one I know of coming out of bear lake I think was 18 lbs caught by rodger grunig in the early 70's? (idaho state record). That was when you could fish the creek outlets during spawn season. That is the only one I know of bigger than my 12.

Re: [bodine11] Bear lake mack - golfnut - 12-29-2003

Hey bodine11 look forward to fishing with you in the future your little bro. golfnut

