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2017 Catfish Contest Stickleback
Here is my first entry. I had a few about the same size but thought this was enough for today. Utah Lake at Lindon 24.5 inches on 3-15. I will be taking my dough tee this afternoon to get that 36 incher.

I decided to give BLK's favorite spot a try on Monday. It sure was pretty down there but I am not sure it is worth the drive from Saratoga Springs. I should have got a hotel in Vegas while I was down there. I think it was the next exit. It turns out that BLK has already given all those fish sore lips anyway. I will be back when I can spend more time. Thanks for sharing the water.

[#00bf00]Nice start to the season, it was so close to 25, but a hair short and I've been pretty strict this year so 24.5 points... Nice job... J[/#00bf00]
Utah lake 3-21. 25.5 inches.

[#00bf00]Good for 25.5 points.... J[/#00bf00]
This is from Utah Lake on 4-21. I had help holding this guy for the photo hoping to get 27 but could not do it. My brother from KC Missouri did a great job trying to use the bumper board as a stretcher board. But he just couldn't get there.

26.5 inches


[#00bf00]Good for 26.5 points... nice fish... J[/#00bf00]
Caught this one on UL on 5/31. 27.5 inches.
[#00bf00]Good job, got ya for 27.5 points... J[/#00bf00]

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