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Fish Lake |
Posted by: Tangled Up - 4 hours ago - Forum: Utah Fishing General
- Replies (1)
Went to fish lake last weekend. Beautiful weather, little wind, fantastic fishing. Lost count of the number of rainbows but we did get two cutthroats. I did not realize that they were in there. My wife commented that "we never catch fish like this." Trolled using good old pop-gear and a worm.
Deer Creek Friday Evening |
Posted by: Piscophilic - 8 hours ago - Forum: Utah Fishing General
- Replies (4)
Jon wanted to find a walleye at Deer Creek and I wanted to get some decent trout. My mom used to can salmon and steelhead when I was growing up in Oregon. She often made the canned fish into what she called Salmon Patties. I miss those patties, so I wanted to try good sized rainbows to see if they came out the same.
So, our combined goal was 4-8 trout over 16”, some walleye and maybe a smallie or two. Well you know the old song “Don’t be , cause two outta three ain’t bad!
We got the boat in the water around 6:30 P.M. on 9/13. The water temp was 63. We decided to try the Wallsburg arm. Before Jon got back from parking the car, I hooked a decent smallie near the dock. Only thing was, the decent smallie turned into a 14” rainbow before I could net it. Definitely an indication of things to come.
We trolled from the dock toward Wallsburg pulling my usual #6 SnG’s and some white tube jigs at about 1.5 MPH. We didn’t make it far in the first hour because we got distracted by the trout. We boated 8 or 9 in that time. 5 of those were over 16 and we kept them.
For the next 3 hours we probed around the arm looking for a walleye. Nothin toothey wanted to play. Finally, at about 11 P.M. we went to the spot where we found nice trout and 1 walleye on our last trip.
The fishing was decent, we filled out the last 3 trout spots with more 17” bows, but no eyes. Jon got most of the fish at our last stop and just after finishing our limits he hooked another nice bow, but the magic reversed itself. Before he could get it to the net, it transformed into a 14” smallie. Saved us from having a nuthin but bows day!
All in all, a fun trip. The trout were higher in the water column than I would have expected for mid-September, so we got to see some nice acrobatics. And like they say, “two outta three ain’t bad!”
Catching delayed triples |
Posted by: Kent - 8 hours ago - Forum: Utah Fishing General
- Replies (6)
Made a sturgeon run with Brian yesterday. We were fishing with four rods and we hooked fish on three of the rods. The lines became tangled and we were only able to land one of the sturgeons. The other two sturgeons were hung up in the rocks and we had no choice but to break the lines. A short time later I hooked a fish and while reeling it in it felt kind of different. When I got the fish to the boat, I found that I actually had two fish. I had snagged, in the eye of a pyramid weight the two fish that we had lost earlier (one at ~36" and the other at ~66"). Apparently, the two that broke off were tangled together and I was fortunate to bring them both in. I was grateful to be able to release them, because there is good chance that they both would have died. We decided it was best to just fish with two rods, from then on. It was crazy the number of bites that we both missed. Fun day and lots of nice sturgeon caught with Brian.
Utah Lake Fish |
Posted by: Redrebel - 11 hours ago - Forum: Utah Fishing General
- Replies (3)
Since I am not native to Utah I have a big question about the fish in Utah Lake. From my understanding, it has its problems with chemicals from manufacturing and mining. Are the fish safe to eat? Does anyone on here eat the fish? If so, interested to hear your input.
NBC at Willard, not quite |
Posted by: wiperhunter2 - Yesterday, 12:33 AM - Forum: Utah Fishing General
- Replies (4)
Ira, Alan and I got out to Willard again today. Water temps started off around 66 degrees at 7am and climbed to 69 degrees by 1pm or so. Started off pretty good with some decent cats, up to 28" but then we got a surprise, a SM bass wanted to sample the flig/chub, that was a first for us, catching a bass on a flig. Later we caught a very small perch. Ira and I were using pink or orange fligs and Alan was using white. Not sure what the deal was today but a lot of the cats we caught were males, including the biggest one. I'll post a pic of the big one when I get it from Ira.
Lost Creek - creek report |
Posted by: Cowboypirate - 09-19-2024, 12:36 PM - Forum: Utah Fishing General
- Replies (3)
It has been crazy busy starting school back up and getting my student Tiny House crew rolling again but i have been adventuring also and will try to catch up on reports...
Had a special opportunity to be up on the upper end of Lost Creek reservoir a couple weeks back. During a quick lunch break I fished the inlet stream. Was hoping to see some salmon spawning but did not see any. However small cuties were plentiful and very willing to play peek-a-boo with my Royal Wuff. Grouse and Chukers seen but not harassed. Elk were singing.
Lots of work being done in preparation to open this area of the state park to the general public. It will sure open up opportunities for us bank tanglers.
Quick video of that section of stream. Bad news is I broke my flyrod tip off battling those little monsters. Actually twas a willow who claimed my prize rod tip.