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02-07-2025, 10:10 PM
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Ice drive by update Thurs...
Forum: Utah Fishing General
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02-07-2025, 06:47 PM
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Lahontan Time 2-04 to 2-0...
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02-07-2025, 05:56 PM
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"Ice Fish Baby"??
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02-07-2025, 04:52 AM
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Ice Conditions at Strawbe...
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  Ice drive by update Thurs Feb 6
Posted by: Mildog - 02-07-2025, 06:18 PM - Forum: Utah Fishing General - Replies (1)

My brother did a drive by Rock Port , Echo, East canyon. He said all were sketchy no one on the ice gaps on edges. He said Rockport had some large pressure cracks open out in the lake. 
He said there was a little re-freezing as it was below freezing when he was out. Ice was cracking and popping a bit so some firming up may be happening?
With the forecast of below freezing predicted for about a week of cold to very cold and temps below freezing 24 hours a day starting tonight , we may see conditions get back to safe to get on?? Late next week MAYBE?
With that said with big cracks open you could have safe ice then an area with thin refrozen “unsafe” especially if covered with snow to obscure it. 
So be smart use great caution and good judgement , always better to be safe than sorry. This year especially conditions can change rapidly!!
BE CAREFULL! Hopefully others will post more updates. Thanks to my brother for update!

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  Reports on ice conditions at Rockport, Pineview, etc?
Posted by: icerman - 02-07-2025, 05:09 AM - Forum: Utah Fishing General - Replies (5)

Like many others not too happy with the unseasonable warm weather this past week, I am seeking any information regarding updates of the ice conditions and edges at many of the lakes.  Pineview? Rockport? East Canyon? Echo? etc.  Is a plank needed to get on the ice?  Ice integrity?  Hoping to get out again somewhere this weekend.  I am hoping that I do not have to begin the long drive to Strawberry yet.   Any updates are appreciated?

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  Lahontan Time 2-04 to 2-06
Posted by: Bduck - 02-06-2025, 01:34 PM - Forum: Utah Fishing General - Replies (9)

My son Josh and one of his fishing buddies Levi decided to beat out the storm Monday afternoon hitting Calif getting over Donner Summit before chain controls take effect. Anybody that knows the Summit like I do is no place to be when a winter storm hits. I have rerouted to Lake Tahoe from Truckee when I-80 Donner Summit closed due to heavy storms & accidents.
Josh & Levi got on the water that next morning Tuesday starting out with a light wind. The storm that was looming over the Sierras was approaching which started churning swells. That day ended in a bust before they could get started. They knew to stay close to the launch facility for a fast exit. Wednesday morning, they launched with some chop on the water, winds settled down as morning progressed. It didn't take long for the Lahontan's come to play. They caught some really beautiful looking cutts. Here is some pics he supplied. I wouldn't mind if Utah would intro these brutes to some of our waters.

[Image: Lahonton-Time-1.jpg]  [Image: Lahonton-Time-2.jpg] [Image: Lahonton-Time-3.jpg] [Image: Lahonton-Time-4.jpg] [Image: Lahonton-Time-5.jpg]

       Josh 6.3lb                      Levi 7.2lb                  18.8lb                        12.8lb

[Image: Lahonton-Time-6.jpg]


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  "Ice Fish Baby"??
Posted by: Jmorfish - 02-06-2025, 03:28 AM - Forum: Utah Fishing General - Replies (10)

So what do we ice fishermen..and women..do when we can't go ice fishing? Can't do Rockport, probably not Echo or East Canyon, Willard Bay out of the picture, there's no perch at Strawberry, so why go there, Hyrum and Mantua never amounted to much this season, and may not be accessible anyhow...what do we do? watch ice fishing videos on Youtube? go for long walks? (I did today, didn't scratch my itch to be ice fishing)..maybe listen to "Ice Fish Baby" over and over on CD, etc.?.."here I'm sittin' at this hole, with a 3' pole,..there goes my line..is it a KEEPER?".. I almost went out and did some yard work yesterday, but the 45 mph winds straightened out my wavy thinking...So what do we do?? Huh

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  Illex Heater, Small, Portable, Brand New!
Posted by: BearLakeFishGuy - 02-06-2025, 03:09 AM - Forum: For Sale In Utah - No Replies

I have a brand new, in box Illex gas heater.  Can be used for ice fishing, camping, etc.  It is light in weight, comes with a mesh travel bag.  It runs on butane cans which will last 3-4 hrs depending on the setting.  I have one and use it a lot, but this is an extra one that I have never used.  The sale price on this heater was $33.99.  The first $20 takes it.   Can pick up in Cache Valley (Logan area).  Instruction book included.
I'll be happy to send pics since this BFT sites SUCKS and will not allow pics to be attached!!!   Just respond below if you want me to text or email you pics.

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Posted by: lavaman - 02-05-2025, 10:49 PM - Forum: Utah Fishing General - Replies (3)

Anyone tried Mantua or Newton Reservoir lately? Kinda quiet on the northern front, especially with the warmer weather this week. I've heard lots of dink perch being caught at Mantua and not too much of anything else. Newton reports are kinda quiet.

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  Willard drive by report
Posted by: wiperhunter2 - 02-05-2025, 08:12 PM - Forum: Utah Fishing General - Replies (5)

[Image: IMG-20250205-113558779-BURST000-COVER.jpg]
North ramp
[Image: IMG-20250205-114550294-BURST000-COVER.jpg]
From pelican beach
[Image: IMG-20250205-121126759-BURST000-COVER.jpg].                                                                     South ramp still has ice on it but the channel is ice free

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  Little Drive, DC Jordy
Posted by: Gone Forever - 02-05-2025, 01:12 AM - Forum: Utah Fishing General - Replies (2)

Fished DC, just from shore throwing spinners and spoons. Not any safe ice I could see, couple of boats out on the lake, dam end.
Wallsburg had ice, but looked bad, I caught a fat feisty one from the inlet area.
Rainbow bay was open but from the state park and island area it looked like thin and broken ice with open spots.

Jordonelle is pretty much ice free.  There may be a little up the Rock Cliff arm but not that I could see from the highway so it was way back in if it was. Managed another fat feisty bow on a small spoon from the launch side.
Windy, from the south but if you could find a sheltered spot it wasn't bad.

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  “Perch Alfredo” recipe
Posted by: Mildog - 02-04-2025, 11:04 PM - Forum: Utah Fishing General - Replies (1)

Had a request on other thread and replied , thought I would put it out in case anyone interested..
Here you go. Perch Alfredo recipe! 

Super good and easy ! Make a simple béchamel sauce. (White sauce) 2-2-1 …..2 parts butter (TBLS.) 2 parts flour (TBLS ) 1 cup milk or half in half. Melt butter in sauce pan, then add in flour stir and sauté it just a minute or two on medium heat until the flour absorbed/blended just a minute or so don’t brown or burn. Then Add milk/ or half in half while stirring (*tip… heat milk/H&H in microwave till very warm before adding) it keeps it from being lumpy that way and easier to blend in. Constantly Stir and heat until it thickens to just below boil. Watch heat so it doesn’t burn. At this point point you can add just a little more liquid to get the desired thickness wanted, if needed ( white wine, milk, half half , chicken stock) add spices to your taste, like garlic powder , lemon pepper, dash of salt, dash of old bay or other spice you like, Add a little grated Parmesan cheese. Then drop perch fillets into the sauce and gently stir them in over med heat just until the fish starts to get flakey and fall apart, don’t over stir so you have nice pieces of fish in the cream sauce. Serve over pasta or rice. Top with a little more Parmesan cheese! 
It’s Yummy!! Enjoy!!! It’s very good!!
One thing I do on occasion for a change of pace shake in a little crystal hot sauce to taste (or other) and serve over a piece of toast!!

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  FYI *Pics Added Rockport ice update Tues. 2/4 gaps on edges
Posted by: Mildog - 02-04-2025, 09:44 PM - Forum: Utah Fishing General - Replies (8)

Just got a call from Brother who drove up to check Rockport ice. He said there are large gaps around the edges like 20 feet in places along west side. He did say he saw a couple “groups” out on the ice on east side? He said I’m not even trying!! Ice may have shifted over with wind to that side, but would seem like you could get stranded if it shifts back??  He said he would send pics. I Have not seen them yet. I’ll post if when he does. Just thought I would put it out there . I’m guessing warming and melting is raising the water exposing more gaps. Temps are not predicted to get very cold until late Saturday. Hope it gets cold and refreezes and firms it back up!!
Here are pictures he sent..
[Image: Resized-20250204-124359.jpg]

[Image: Resized-20250204-124423.jpg]

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