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Baits for cats???
OK guys and gals. Taking our pastor and two more folks from the church cat fishing. I've had good luck on stink baits. Just want to know anything else besides willcfish's hot dog trick. I'll be using a rod to check out new baits to me like chicken livers, beef livers and hot dogs etc. Let me know what works for you on channel cats and blue's.
There are all kinds of great baits that have proven to consistently catch channels and blues...Everything you named would be a fine choice...If I had to choose my favorite bait to catch both channels and blues it would be cut shad...Cut shad is about as good as it gets if you don't mind smelly hands...If I didn't have any shad or if I wanted a cleaner bait, then my next choice would be shrimp...You can buy frozen shrimp pretty cheap and it is a really good bait...Hope you all catch a big one...Happy fishing.

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