10-24-2017, 09:00 AM
Storms have been passing through here since last night. Around noon the rain stopped so I dropped the boat and went for a couple hours. The bass are trying to school here but the dang temps can't seem to settle. One day it is in the 60s and the next it is in the 80s. emoCrazy I think the bass are
as we are. Found some wanting to play stacked up on the first drops leading back into flats the bass had been trying to school in. TN shad Bomber was the ticket on those willing to chase. The depths were around 8 to 10 feet. Had some fun on bass in the two and three range. They stopped about as fast as they had started. Moved around some and found a couple more on some brush piles on the edge of a drop that went from 10 to 13 feet. Not much of a drop but with the brush piles there were a few there. Had my best of the day, a nice five (Below) that took a shakey as it fell off one of the brush tops. Not a monster by Chick standards but for Balboa that is a pretty good fish right there. emoThumbsup Storms moved back in and I had to head back to the house. emoRain <br /><br />Muzzle loading is going on right now but the deer are mostly moving at night. Suppose to be getting cold this weekend. emoDance I will be on a stand trying to get some horn. emoBig