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Thought we needed a general area where we can share tips and jabs and the banter can go on outside of folks scoring areas... Also might be a good area to plan get together assaults on the kitties... Everyone feel free to post on this post and let's use it to make the contest even a little more fun!!
Tip of the day from me... Tie your poles down... I about lost mine twice last night, the fork in my pole holder saved it both times... I'm a slow learner... First fish was gone, got the second one it was a 22.5" carp that will be added to my bait supply... carp are a lot faster than the cats in these cold temp waters...
Tip two buy some of those cheap Chinese hooks for cattin so when they swallow it to their tails you can just cut the line to let them go..... unless you're going to take them home and eat them, then doesn't matter as much... Later J
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Ya know that Gorilla Flotilla info might be good to post up here for all those going to join in tomorrow... Pat why don't ya put a little info in here sozz they know what when and where to meet up... and also which fish to leave for you and Lynn... Later J
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So this is my first season really going after cat fish. It has been a blast and I hope I can break the 30" mark sometime this year. What does a 30" channel cat typically weigh? I haven't had a scale so I have no idea what any of the fish i have caught weighed.
Also, what size do you consider to be a prime eating catfish.
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I favor cats 18”-20” or so. I think the meat is a finer texture. Also the fillets are just about right for a frying pan.
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kfisher-- I'd guess a 30 incher to weigh about 10-11 pounds... depending on time of year, male or female, and what the fish had for lunch.
We are still looking for the first 30 incher this year. A spool of 20 lb. braid waiting for whoever posts the first one. As it looks now Ahi and/or Skunked are probably the closest. Ahi has a 29.5 and I would put my money on him to post the first one.
The 36 incher will come later when I get back out on Utah Lake.
Good luck.
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[#0000FF]Good idea ObiJeffKenobi. Looking at the signups for the cat contest this year it occurs to me that there are a lot of Kitty Newbies. Also, plenty of folks that have caught a few cats but who are always looking for new info and ways to improve their success ratio.
I have caught more than few Utah kitties in my day, as well as plenty from other parts of the country. I don't claim to know it all and I am still learning new stuff on every trip. But I have put a lot of what I think I know about cattin' least in Utah Lake. Here is my chapter on channel cats from my Utah Lake CD/book. It has fairly extensive coverage of hooks, tackle, baits and other things some of our new members and new catologists might like to know. Enjoy.
Sorry, nothing related to the big cat venues for the northern contingent. But a lot of the info on Utah Lake cats is applicable. However, any big cats you catch in the north...using my proprietary subject to a 10 inch penalty in the contest.
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I agree with Jim the smaller cats are better eaters, but I like 23"ers the best. You get a lot of meat and it's pretty good. I love smoked catfish best of all. I don't take a scale either so I'm not good to tell ya weights per length and there is so much difference from fish to fish. I had a 23"er the other day that was a tank verses my biggest last year at 29.5" but it was skinny and didn't weigh up at all. Ok for contest but if I was eating them it's not that good. Glad you're liking the contest I know it's a real addiction for some of us. Good luck. J
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Thanks Pat that is a great resource to provide. I can't wait to look through it. Not sure I've read this one before so I look forward to spending some time with it. Thanks Jeff
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Hey Lynn looks like Ahi put up a second 29.5" cat. He's sure on the big ones again this year. I got skunked last night, but I was trying to keep 6 rods fishing with a lot of non fishers in the group. Maybe Monday I'll get back out after work. Later J
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Tip #3 don't know why but early cats love night crawlers... I have a hard time keeping the mudcats off, but the channels love them too... Plus it helps you catch carp to build up your supply for later in the summer... Later J
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Hey, check this out. My new and improved measuring board.
Got this idea from TD while we were fishing last Friday. He had a nifty measureing board with a hinge in the middle that he could fold up and tuck away in his tube storage compartment. I wanted one. I like the big numbers (easier for Jeff to read) in half inch increments. Sticky back tape that will adhere to any smooth surface.
Only bad part is that it only goes to 36 inches... otherwise, a good improvement for me. Thanks TD.
Amazon, Fish measuring tape, $10.00.
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Looks good Lynn, can you lay a tape along side and send me a picture so I can calibrate it for the contest? Thanks Jeff
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[inline DSCN3185.JPG][quote kfisher]What does a 30" channel cat typically weigh? I haven't had a scale so I have no idea what any of the fish i have caught weighed.
Also, what size do you consider to be a prime eating catfish.
I agree with BLK depending on sex,and time of year. The 2 29.5"er I have one was 11lb 1 oz the other 11lb 9 oz. So I would guess 30 would 12lb or more
[inline DSCN3193.JPG]
There's Always Time For One More Cast
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So I thought last night was going to be the night to slay the monster cat got the taxes out of my hair and ran out. It was way slower than I figured. I did catch two chunko monsters but they were shorties only 22 and 23" but I'll bet they were 5-6 lbs. crazy fat big bodied fish. Then just as I was getting ready to go my pole starts to take off so I grabbed it to set the hook and wow rock monster that was the solidest hit I've had it instantly took off and my drag didn't even have time to slip before it snapped the 12 lb leader. This was my heavy rod set up it should hold a big fish. In fact the 29" didn't even tax it. Something special in that fish last night but it was gone before I had a chance to guess what it might have been. Tight lines and hope I get to dance with that one again someday. Later J
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John you are pretty close. First Cat I caught out of the Bear near Corrine years ago before I had a boat was just over 12 lbs. and right at 30.25"
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
Or so it says on my license plate holder
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Dang Jeff the more you post about these monsters you are seeing and missing the more I think Forest and I need to head up to your water. Only getting baby one down here now.
There's Always Time For One More Cast
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nice fish Forest
There's Always Time For One More Cast
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"it instantly took off and my drag didn't even have time to slip before it snapped the 12 lb leader."
[#0000FF]The boy scout motto is "Be prepared". 12# leader? And you want to be able to land large cats? I use 14# leader for the wimpy cats at Willard and 25# on Utah Lake. Why? Sudden sharp pulls against an unyielding force (poorly set drag) can snap line much heavier than the weight of the fish. And if the cats roll up in your line and rub it against their serrated fins...snap. Also, if you are fishing in snaggy water a heavier leader will hold up better when scraped against rocks or other underwater structure.
Ever hear this before? "Fish don't break lines. Fishermen do...with poor line, poor knots, poorly set drags, poor fighting technique...etc."
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[#0000ff]That ruler sure is easier to read now. You're welcome.
No worries about the "only 36" length. When I catch my biggun (over 36") I will have my hinged measure board to add on to the end of we can get the true length.
Here's a pic of my contrivance in action.