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Koke’s at the berry 5/19
Talked to N.E.T.O earlyier this week and talked him into going on my recon Koke fishing for the first time this year. We go to the boat ramp around 6:45ish this morning and was fishing by 7:15am, didn’t take long to start hooking kokes. Lost quit a few at the boat, but as soon as Randy got a feel of how to fight the kokes we started putting them in the boat. We had are limits by 10:45am and we’re headed off the lake. Randy caught the biggest fish 20 1/2in at 3 1/2 lbs. Hot color for us today was orange/yellow squids and beads.
great job very nice fish,did you see schools on your fishfinder.
I didn’t see any schools of fish, we saw singles and doubles at 20ft. Most of are fish we’re caught at 6ft and 11ft today a couple were caught at 19ft
I caught more Kokanee's today than I've caught all together in my last 14 years of fishing! Nate really knows his stuff and all of his equipment is top-notch! And also, I need to add, Nate can put you on top of fish and produce the bites...but it is VERY easy for the fisherman (me) to lose the fish if everything isn't done absolutely correct. With Nate's coaching I was able to correct most of my issues and start getting them to the boat, but he is correct, we would have had our limit in half the time if I had done my part! Looking forward to getting out with him again.

I used to N.ot have E.nough T.ime O.ff to go fishing.  Then I retired.  Now I have less time than I had before. Sheesh.
Great job man! Those are nice looking fish. Sure is fun when you find them. We were up today as well.... over on the Soldier Creek Side....

I love trolling for Kokes. Makes me think back to being in Alaska…
Kokes are bigger this year than last year
I started fishing SC side soon as ice was off most days I was the only boat there
getting limits every time we went out then it started slowing down.
the first week, was catching them at 19' down the next two week was catching most at 30 feet I was seeing a lot of schools
then the kokes started coming up not as deep as they were early in the year.
The biggest kokanee on the strawberry side was 23" close to 5 lbs this year.
Its my goal to learn to Koke fish this summer. I never have and don't really know where to start.
Congratulations Nate and Randy on a fine outing. That had to be fun.

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