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I am heading to flaming gorge next weekend, it will be my first time fishing there. I am wondering if someone could give me some advise as to where to start looking for lake trout pups and kokanee and maybe what is a good go to for the pups. Any advise would be appreciated
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what part do you want to fish it is 91 miles long
the laker pups are under the kokanee may be down 80 are 90 feet
one thing to start out with are spoons for the pups.
I would buy a fish n map of FG it has a lot of way points marked
some place on the WY side rawlins draw, pipe line, wild horse, buckboard.
do a you tube search, search this sit a lot here.
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I did go out and buy a map, and have watched quite a few movies. Most that i have found have been the big lake trout, but ksl had a couple with the pups. What size of spoon is a good go to? I have looked around the best place to stay with the cost of gas from hotels added in is and I think either the flaming gorge resort of somewhere in manila.
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Flashy fish size small made by Steve davis, needlefish size 3 made by luhr Jensen. [fishon]
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Stay in Manila and get your reciprocal license so you can fish the Wyoming side. It is only $10.[fishon]
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[quote muirco]Flashy fish size small made by Steve davis, needlefish size 3 made by luhr Jensen. [fishon][/quote]
I am sure there are others that work also![fishon]
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Please catch and release the lake trout over 25 inches. Take your pics and let others have the same experience, please! Get your meat from the pups... there are tons of them![fishon]
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If you fish WY. side it cost $30 for your boat and $10 of each person
I have not been up there after the Ice came off strawberry, this year strawberry has been to good.
I fish WY side most of the time , I don't like catching the pups but they are not to hard to catch.
I make my spoons out of willowleaf spinner blades
the best one is 3" blue and white they will take small spoons also, a lot of other things work also
do you have elect downriggers
I gave you 3 good spots on the WY. side for both Kokanee and pups.
that is close to Lucerne boat ramp you will see the boats most will be fishing for Kokanee.
you need to troll faster for the lakers than you do for kokanee
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Let us know how you do. Good luck and have fun!!