07-01-2018, 11:15 PM
as I said in another post I didn't know whether to go to Strawberry or to go to Jordanelle.
headed to Strawberry hoping for larger Kokanee then what I thought would be in Jordanelle.
Wife was not real happy with waking up at 3 in the morning and she proceeded to let me know that we had a lake much closer to home that we could have been fishing. For the next 2 hours of the drive she let me know that we wasn't going to catch anything that we could keep and that's our luck at strawberry has always been catching cutthroat in the slot limit.
But I assured her that we were going after Kokanee and that we could keep some to take home and smoke.
Once there and on the water we immediately put our lines out and started trolling just a hundred yards from the boat ramp. After 15 minutes we had one on and behold it was a Kokanee and a nice one at that her attitude changed and she started to pay more attention to her Pole but after an hour with no bites I could see that she was getting frustrated so I changed her baits.
I think at this point pretty much everybody there could tell how my wife felt as she was quite vocal about not being happy that we just drove two hour's and it didn't look like we were going to catch the numbers of fish that I promised her.
After while we caught a couple slot 15 to 18 inch cutthroat.i and lost a couple Kokanee.
But then the boat motor started acting up and yes I was the one out on the lake cussing my motor!!! As it would start and run a few seconds and then shut down!!!! Ugh!!!! So I figured I had better head in to the marina so that I would not get caught in the main channel with a motor problem..
By the time we got to the marina my fuses in my brain where blown and so was my wife's so we decided to go get a bite at the marina and that was a good choice food was the cure to me and my wife's frustrated morning. We sat out on the deck and looked over the lake
Watched kids play and catch crawfish boaters comeing in and having a great day talking about there luck on the lake it was actually kinda fun in the end.
Weather was quite nice and it sounded like some people caught a few and others caught limits.
Seen very large schools of minnows by the boat dock I'm guessing chubs but I could be wrong deffenitly different age classes due to sizes. I Will try and post a photo maybe someone could let me know...
So to end this long winded post fishing was much better for others then myself and sorry to anyone that heard me cussing my little boat and motor!!!! Lol
what drives us up a wall!!!!
P.s I was surprised at the lure selection at the store there at Strawberry marina.
headed to Strawberry hoping for larger Kokanee then what I thought would be in Jordanelle.
Wife was not real happy with waking up at 3 in the morning and she proceeded to let me know that we had a lake much closer to home that we could have been fishing. For the next 2 hours of the drive she let me know that we wasn't going to catch anything that we could keep and that's our luck at strawberry has always been catching cutthroat in the slot limit.
But I assured her that we were going after Kokanee and that we could keep some to take home and smoke.
Once there and on the water we immediately put our lines out and started trolling just a hundred yards from the boat ramp. After 15 minutes we had one on and behold it was a Kokanee and a nice one at that her attitude changed and she started to pay more attention to her Pole but after an hour with no bites I could see that she was getting frustrated so I changed her baits.
I think at this point pretty much everybody there could tell how my wife felt as she was quite vocal about not being happy that we just drove two hour's and it didn't look like we were going to catch the numbers of fish that I promised her.
After while we caught a couple slot 15 to 18 inch cutthroat.i and lost a couple Kokanee.
But then the boat motor started acting up and yes I was the one out on the lake cussing my motor!!! As it would start and run a few seconds and then shut down!!!! Ugh!!!! So I figured I had better head in to the marina so that I would not get caught in the main channel with a motor problem..
By the time we got to the marina my fuses in my brain where blown and so was my wife's so we decided to go get a bite at the marina and that was a good choice food was the cure to me and my wife's frustrated morning. We sat out on the deck and looked over the lake
Watched kids play and catch crawfish boaters comeing in and having a great day talking about there luck on the lake it was actually kinda fun in the end.
Weather was quite nice and it sounded like some people caught a few and others caught limits.
Seen very large schools of minnows by the boat dock I'm guessing chubs but I could be wrong deffenitly different age classes due to sizes. I Will try and post a photo maybe someone could let me know...
So to end this long winded post fishing was much better for others then myself and sorry to anyone that heard me cussing my little boat and motor!!!! Lol

P.s I was surprised at the lure selection at the store there at Strawberry marina.