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Kolob emergency change / illegal fish introduction

I'm mad.

I'm so sick and tired of selfish, stupid, ignorant, fish-moving idiots that I could spit.

People moving live fish for their own selfish reasons should be shot dead. How many times do we have to go through this? Why is it that ignorant people think they can put whatever fish they want wherever they want?? Ignorant!!

What crying shame. This seriously just makes me want to cry.

Perch are a scourge!!
[#0000FF]Careful. By expressing your negative feelings you are liable to be accused of having a "piss poor attitude" by your contentious brother.
looks like a personal attack to me. You should be careful.

What are your thoughts on the subject of this thread? Stay on task TubeDud. Of course, you're a perch you're probably OK with this type of behavior.
[quote PBH]
Perch are a scourge!!

[green]Oh, but they're so easy to catch and they entertain the kids. And they grow to such wonderful 6 inch size before they stunt.[/green]

[red]⫸[/red][orange]<{[/orange][yellow]{{[/yellow][green]{[/green][size 4][green]⦇[/green][/size][blue]°>[/blue]
And about the only place in the whole U.S. of A., at least West of the Rockies, where they were reaching a decent size has been potentially ruined by another bucket biologist.

[red]⫸[/red][orange]<{[/orange][yellow]{{[/yellow][green]{[/green][size 4][green]⦇[/green][/size][blue]°>[/blue]
[#0000FF]Sorry, sir. Couldn't resist.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I am definitely on your side here. Even though I like perch and other panfish I don't like seeing them illegally dumped into a carefully managed trout habitat. Far too many folks who seem to think that regulations do not apply to them. The same kind that endanger us on the roads with irresponsible driving.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]The big problem is that once the bucket biology is discovered the perpetrators are long gone and the deed is hard to assign blame and prosecute.
Terrible news!
We’re all with you Brett! Especially after I saw the introduction of brook trout by the DWR. What a herendous setback. Terribly negative consequences for sure. Punishment cannot be stressed enough for this rotten act. I’ve only had the pleasure of fishing this southern treasure a couple of times, but it was truly a beautiful rare and esquisite alpine gem for that far south- reaching. I truly hope somehow this jewel can be saved! Nothing worse than some fool thinking they can out-smart the real biologist of the DWR. Hang em’ high!
I agree..... Perch are a parasite.
Yes, I couldn't agree more. Perch is the about the only game fish that I do not target, unless they are the only thing biting that day. That said, it upsets me that anyone, other than the UDWR, feels they are so special that they should be allowed to plant any species fish.
I certainly understand the emotions on this....what a stupid act, and violation to us all....However, please don't blame the fish!....when I want a really good fish fry, I'll dig out some perch from my freezer....when I'm fishing for a good rainbow or cutt, and just catching tiny perch, then yes, they are "a scourge"....and when I'm trying for a nice bunch of perch for the frying pan, and the little planter trout are getting in the way, then they too, can be "a scourge".....that's just a matter of opinion and taste......but you're right about anyone moving any live fish to any other body of water for their own pleasure.... He or she or they ought to be partially dropped into the fish grinder -- maybe the one at Willard Bay that gets stuck all the time.....
Hey, no problem. Just have DWR spend thousands of dollars on treating Kolob and then restocking the Brookies so that some slob can reintroduce perch again. DWR has had to deal with major illegal introductions over the years, Golden Shiners in Enterprise, Perch in Johnson & Fish Lake, Perch in Jordanelle, we have WB, mudcat, and crappie in Deer Creek, Northern Pike in Utah Lake, can't think of any more right now. But all these introductions outside the plan for each water has a major negative effect on that fishery and every other fishery as it takes resources, time, and energy away from the planned management of that water. It would be interesting to find out how much illegal introductions have cost the tax payer over the years and what that money could have been used for otherwise. My guess is that millions of dollars have been spent in dealing with these illegal introductions that would have gone else where to benefit the public. I only hope that I never catch someone dumping fish into a body of water as I don't fancy spending the rest of my short life in jail. No tolerance for it at all !!

PS: may be DWR should post the cost for dealing with these introductions in the Proclamation every year so that the public can see what someone's stupidity is costing everyone else !! Might give people a reminder that they are paying for it and may just have someone stop them ! Just a thought.

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