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If you read my last post you know that I have been catching only one fish per trip lately. Well it happened again today.
I met BLK at Lincoln Beach about 7:00 this morning and we made our way out the channel, which was about 1.3' deep. When we got into the lake proper it was windy and choppy--almost too much so. So we turned around and went east; still too rough, so we pulled into the bay south of the south dike and cast out. Soon Lynn had a fish on. It turned out to be "too little to measure" and back he went. A bit later he tied into another one. When I saw its dorsal fin sticking up out of the water I said to myself, "Now that's a big fish!" When I netted him and got him in the boat Lynn guessed he was 27" and I agreed with him. We measured him anyway and were both surprised that he was a 29"er. We took pictures and returned him.
After a bit the water calmed enough so we could turn and "stroll" west past the mouth of the channel and on west. When we got even with the jaws my pole bent and began to dance. I set the hook and started reeling in what I thought was an "okay" fish, maybe the 27"er I was hoping to add to my score. Then halfway to the boat the line went slack and I thought I had lost him, but I started reeling fast. Sure enough, he had swum straight toward the boat and was almost there when I caught up with him. He still felt like a good fish, but he didn't fight as well as some smaller fish caught this year. But when I pulled his big old head out of the water we both realized that he was a good one. We put him on the board and with a little strategic positioning he also went 29 inches. I had just reached another of my goals: to put a fish in the top ten to help increase the team score. I felt "well pleased," (my replacement expression for "proud.")[

We dragged some more carp and white bass around toward the springs but all we caught were some rocks that weren't supposed to be there. We passed the time pleasantly in getting to know each other but no other fish came to play. So, a three-fish day, but we each had bumpers and were thankful for what really turned out to be a great day: two great fish and good company; what more can you ask for?
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
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[#0000FF]Nice work. Congrats on the bumper.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Hope BLK didn't gross you out too badly. And I hope you didn't believe all the stuff he probably dumped on you about me. The bad stuff was probably true. But anything good was probably lies...and I will sue him for slander. A good reputation is too hard to live up to.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Did Lynn show you the way to the rock ledges?
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Welcome to the top 10 club! Good on ya.
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"Did Lynn show you the way to the rock ledges? "
Yes, he did. He also told a story about how you let the guvmint know how it was going to go on access. I can hardly believe that a little shy, retiring guy like you could take on the "powers that be" that way.
I did fish there last year but I need some more detailed guidance on just where to go and just how to fish it. A kid told me he caught a jillion white bass through the ice there last year and that sounds like a fun short-distance trip.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
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Here are a couple of pics of the fish we caught today.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
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[#0000FF]Last year, when we were faced with the same problem of being unable to use the boat channel to launch, I contacted the state offices in charge of Utah land access. I was able to get Ben Stireman to come down to Lincoln Beach to meet with myself, a couple of DWR folks and someone from the sheriff's dept.
[#0000FF]The law says that there is to be no public vehicle access to the lakebed below high water mark...during low water periods. But when I pointed out the lack of availability to anglers during low water...when we can't drive out on the rocks at Lincoln was agreed by all that "responsible" anglers were not a major threat to the ecology...and that during such times anglers should be allowed a "dispensation". However, the sheriffs assured us that they would still monitor the area and would cite or run off anyone who just drove out to spin donuts in the soft lakebottom or do other nasty things.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]When water levels deteriorated again this year I recontacted Ben and got him to put out the word to the local sheriffs dept. again to cut us fisherfolk some slack. Here is his reply.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF] [/#0000FF]
Hi Pat,
Thanks for checking in. As I was writing you to tell you I haven't been able to touch base with our LEO who is in charge of coordinating law enforcement on our land he walked in. I confirmed that he has requested that the Sheriff's Office gives folks a break at Lincoln Beach. This doesn't mean people can go out and do doughnuts on the lake bed, but the Sheriff's Office will allow people to drive down to the fishing hole at this time.
P.S. I have rekindled our conversations of how we can come up with a permanent solution for this area. I will keep you updated as we come up with solutions.
Ben Stireman
Ben Stireman
Sovereign Lands Analyst
Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands
1594 West North Temple
P.O. Box 145703
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-5703
Cell: [url "tel:385.228.6501"]385.228.6501[/url]
[url ""][/url]
[#0000FF]If we can work it out on one of my jaunts down there I can give you a more complete and personal point-and -look intro to that area. It is about the only place on Utah Lake where there is deep enough water for shorebound anglers to have a shot at fish during low water.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Yes, it can be good for harvesting white bass right off the mouth of the first spring...before ice up and for a while after ice first forms. You just gotta be careful getting on and off the ice and watch for thin spots. SPLASH.[/#0000FF]
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Pat-- That little note from Mr. Stireman might just save some of us from a hefty fine. It was always iffy last year and every time I drove out there I expected a citation at any time. Good to know we have some assurance that they will cut a little slack. Now we will probably have to do a little clean up work every time we find scattered litter.
Ennyhow, thanks for getting some clarification and protection for those of us who like to fish that area.
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Good to know. Now I wish someone could explain to me why we aren't allowed to drive out on the north dike. "Everybody does it" doesn't go very far with law enforcement people, but I quit driving on it when a deputy asked me not to. I'm not too old and broken down that I can't haul my stuff out there afoot; however, the state goes out of its way to build docks and piers for easier access for some people. This would make a good site for such access. Plus, I guess I hate it when a rule is in place and it is broken so often that it becomes pointless. If there really is a good reason to keep people off they could post signs and place barriers so that vehicles can't go onto it. Rant over.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
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[#0000FF]Forget about the north dike. The south dike used to be open to vehicle traffic and it was usually pretty good fishing out on the end. Then, about 2012 there was a high water year with a lot of wind action that eroded some parts of the dike and it was blocked by that big concrete barrier. It has been closed since and no effort made to build up the dike and reopen it to anglers.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]It can be good fishing at some spots along the north dike but never as good as at the end of the south dike.
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Just goes to show me how a minimum of experience can warp one's perception. I fished there once and got zippo while I have had quite a bit of success in the channel off the north dike. I'll have to give the south dike another go. Something about good beating up great or whatever it is. Do you fish into the bay or straight out the tip off the big rocks?
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
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Congratulations on getting a 29"er. That’s awesome. I’m glad you got it checked off your list and was able to bump your score. Now to go out and do it a couple more times.
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Do you fish into the bay or straight out the tip off the big rocks?
[#0000FF]Always depends on season, water temps, water level, fish activity levels, etc. I have caught a few good fish right in the mouth of the channel. But far more by casting straight east...toward the mountains. There is a pronounced depth increase a short ways off the dike and that often attracts fish of all species. You can also do well casting SE off the corner or the dike where it makes the final bend to the north. That can be a great spot for white bass...and walleye.[/#0000FF]
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That's great work! Keep it up, 30 is only an inch away.