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Cell Phone Security on the Ice
During our last ice fishing trip on Soldier Creek in March, my old iPhone fell out of my pocket and went for a swim. I tracked it all the way down on the flasher. Even tried jigging for it, to no avail. Fortunately, I had downloaded my pictures just a few days before. I’m interested in any effective phone security systems people have seen or used? Any way to secure the phone or cover the hole? Hoping to avoid a similar fate for my new phone!

jack of all tackle, master of none
Fly Fishermen have the answer for you. It's a spring loaded thing that attaches with a cord for you to pull it out of a pocket and use it and then it automatically winds up the cord when you put it back in your pocket. It can only fall about 18 inches except it would retract as soon as you let it go.
Why not just place it in a Ziploc and keep it in a zippered pocket? Or you can spend more on one of the actual clear waterproof phone cases.
For ice fishing, and boat fishing, and almost all other times in the outdoors, I use a "dry pak" waterproof case that has a lanyard you can put around your neck.

I keep my phone as well as an extra set of truck keys in it. Got it on ebay or amazon.

Works good. But I don't do much calling while out fishing.
Go down to Recreation Outlet and get a 1-liter dry bag. It'll hold a phone, car keys, ID, etc, comes with a carabiner and will even float.
I remember that incident well--sort of a slam dunk/nothing but net shot. I hate to think how many phones I've ruined in water, the latest this summer when I fell in the lake.

IF I can remember to do it I put my phone in my camera bag, tackle box, a pants pocket or somewhere else where it can't get near the water. I have realized that I don't need to receive any calls immediately (or at all) while I'm out fishing. I do check every once in a while because my wife likes to check in sometimes and see how I'm doing.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.

Are you really asking how to take care of your phone while on the ice? I lost a phone as well. While using the ice scoop after drilling the hole down went my phone...I just figured what an idiot....should have zipped that pocket shut or just put my phone away.....I think we should add another forum page "stupid questions".
or how about one for useless replies? the guys just looking for ideas on what other people do jeez.
I have yet to lose a phone through the ice but always worry about it. I just try to keep it in a pocket that zips up or velcros shut. I have the Marcum pan cam that uses your phone as the monitor for the camera. So so when I am using it I try to keep that phone far from the hole. This year I am going to give my sons old iPad a try instead of my phone. Bigger picture and not worried about my phone. I would realy have to try to get an iPad down the hole I think.
This is what I use for my 6S. This has paid for itself 3 times. This is from Lifeproof. I am not sure they still make them for new phones. i Know eBay has a few for older phones. I bet a creative DIYEr could make one from dense closed cell foam. Say from packing material out of your Christmas gifts. It would take much to keep it on top of the water.
There's one of these on the way to my house:

This case is insulated so it helps battery life also. People have had issues with larger phones, but I'm putting an old S6 in it and I know it fits.
I realized that my reply didn't take all situations into consideration. If I were fishing alone and/or far away from others I would want my phone on me in case I fell through. And of course I would want to have it waterproof so I would probably put it inside double zip lock bags or something. Also it would need to be accessible so I would want it on a lanyard around my neck, right next to my ice picks.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.

Zip lock, the good king with the separate plastic slide tab. I can even operate my phone through them. Sound is not to understandable, but I can swipe to answer and then say hold on while I get the phone out.
You can also use an alligator type of clip to attach to the bag and then to one of the retractors as was talked about earlier.
Yeah, I mostly use it for the camera and clock. I may text a couple of bragging photos out. With the ice fishing contest I will need to document my catch.

jack of all tackle, master of none
I found a floating case for my s7 on Ebay or Amazon for $20. That is what I use, I don't know if it works yet afraid to drop phone in bucket to see if it floats.
Interesting for me I zipper my pocket and no issues as of yet.
Use the dry bag or good ziplock, as others have mentioned. However, that diesnt help much if your phone is at the bottom of the lake.
When selling the bag, leave a bunch of air in it. It won't fit in the pocket as well, but that should provide enough float to grab it before it finds its way to Davey Jones locker.
If my phone doesn't get left in the Jeep for the day. It gets put in the cooler I set up for my fish finder with my bait pucks.
Bryce Lowder
I do what the voices in my wife's head tell me to.

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