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Willard 5/14
After reading TDs post from yesterday, I intended to go to the north marina this morning. Turned out I couldn't make it, but had some free time this evening. Loaded the tube and headed to the south marina about 5 PM. Fished till 8 and found four wipers dumb enough to eat my wolly bugger. All four were caught and three were released. One came home with me for fish tacos. All were about the same size and looked like the one below. Wipers on a flyrod make for a pretty good evening.
I’ll bet that got a wooo goo out of you. Good job and thanks for the report. Later J
The old wollybugger. My Dad's favorite although I dont know if he ever employed its use at Willard. Nice toad
[#0000FF]Nice. Were you flinging your new articulated stuff?
Good on ya Larry, I wish it wasn't so far for me to drive. I do miss the wiper this time of year.

[quote SkunkedAgain]I’ll bet that got a wooo goo out of you. Good job and thanks for the report. Later J[/quote]

What's a "wooo goo"?

Nevermind.... I don't want to know.
Richard, you need to make a trip up so we can have a old geezer day at the bay. Pat, I'm going senile. Left a box of articulated flies sitting on the kitchen counter. They were sitting right next to my cut up perch pieces. Both left at home. Guess I'll have to make another trip to try them out.
[#0000FF]Senile? Nah. Just "selective senior memory syndrome".[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I think I experience that on occasion myself. At least I think I do. I don't remember.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I still haven't gotten around to making the articulated super flies. Been busy making up some new model articulated fligs.
I think that’s what happens when you don’t watch what the spell checker does to your post. Woo-hoo later J

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