02-26-2004, 05:42 PM
[ul][li][font "Arial"][size 2]¼ cup soy sauce [/size][/font] [li][font "Arial"][size 2]¼ cup sake (Japanese rice wine) or dry sherry [/size][/font] [li][font "Arial"][size 2]2 tablespoons peanut or vegetable oil [/size][/font] [li][font "Arial"][size 2]2 tablespoons minced fresh ginger [/size][/font] [li][font "Arial"][size 2]12 1¾ inch abalone in shells [/size][/font][/li][/ul]
[font "Arial"][size 2]Bring charcoal to red hot stage in outdoor grill. [/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2]Mix soy sauce, sake, oil and ginger in a medium bowl. Remove abalone meat from shells by running a thin-bladed knife around the inside edge of shell to shuck out meat; discard visceral parts without trimming off dark edges. Reserve shells. Place abalones in marinade; marinate 10 minutes. Return marinated abalone to shells. Reserve marinade. [/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2]Place filled shells, shell side down, on oiled grill and grill 1 minute (Shell will act as a receptacle for juices). With tongs, carefully turn meat over in the shells and grill 30 seconds longer until meat is lightly browned. Meanwhile, heat reserved marinade until boiling and use as a dipping sauce. Immediately serve abalone in their own shells. [/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2]Bring charcoal to red hot stage in outdoor grill. [/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2]Mix soy sauce, sake, oil and ginger in a medium bowl. Remove abalone meat from shells by running a thin-bladed knife around the inside edge of shell to shuck out meat; discard visceral parts without trimming off dark edges. Reserve shells. Place abalones in marinade; marinate 10 minutes. Return marinated abalone to shells. Reserve marinade. [/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 2]Place filled shells, shell side down, on oiled grill and grill 1 minute (Shell will act as a receptacle for juices). With tongs, carefully turn meat over in the shells and grill 30 seconds longer until meat is lightly browned. Meanwhile, heat reserved marinade until boiling and use as a dipping sauce. Immediately serve abalone in their own shells. [/size][/font]