09-19-2019, 09:00 AM
Not being on the water in a few weeks, we decided to start out with some topwater before concentrating on shady areas. Missed two early blowups before catching a 14.5 and a big bream. Caught one more short, then caught nothing for several hours. Finally, about 12:30, Dusty boats our first keeper. We hit several areas but to make a long story short, I was resigned to that one fish at 1:47. I started putting rods up when Dusty hooked a keeper and I netted it. At that point I thought what the heck. Picked up a creature bait on a texas rig and on the next cast caught our third keeper. We went from 1 to 3 in approximately 5 minutes. Not a lot of weight, but at least got the limit. Never give up!