10-16-2019, 10:44 PM
[url "https://www.facebook.com/EchoStatePark/?__tn__=kC-R&eid=ARAOxk9giKYUN5bCBxq9azp3LVLxF2WD1jngMyAOiOkDqE4zCHWoKOsfRSW4EEuC0sdT7uAbWLQboZZg&hc_ref=ARQOsz7R3MANrhE1rDZgvn3rQbpltCXQxLlneg2F30a-4Jk-epLpWuousBGLgIpcSOA&fref=nf&__xts__%5B0%5D=68.ARAGAmECQrT6_A2n2OY3fnpf5ZQXqZR5wPop6N7VsymR9F1CkQBem9oNjezlAHE90Uii21MXcJEKGkjWH66BNyfhCCvq-FQxWXrteETfSHFEaDFCW8cedY1LKfDU8gUmNdj_EKAEOTVHDCfVPN_NBIyP44nIBTeCH3eMs_fjMVSmoLtiqPgIh1vAJ5QXZEev_ILVRrOzJZMxWPNjv07J56MZbLPcA-m9FfTGKbyggycJtdR9XimxRJ_MdxEtVYvJLaEdiwG44psgtSYZrzhbfXbfSmf3JnIc5AA90rKY6UcXl3_xMxyyLIgi8xF8XIuhO3LgIHbdt-RZAr2vxGLW5arXmEEklOcyQ-ZGzTNqAPgMOwJPML7WnA"]Echo State Park[/url]
As the boating season draws to a close we have removed our docks for the year. We do not have a wedge dock at this time. The bathrooms have also been winterized for the year and our campground is now closed. Thanks for a great season! Our entrance fees are now $6 per vehicle. Looking forward to the rest of fall and hopefully another great ice fishing season!
As the boating season draws to a close we have removed our docks for the year. We do not have a wedge dock at this time. The bathrooms have also been winterized for the year and our campground is now closed. Thanks for a great season! Our entrance fees are now $6 per vehicle. Looking forward to the rest of fall and hopefully another great ice fishing season!