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Thanks Scott that answered a lot of questions for lots of folks. Appreciate your update. Jeff
Thanks for the update.

Tried to make it over all week, but could not make it happen. Ran over this morning and between two of us in 1 1/2 hours, we managed a meager 8 cisco, on of which was found dead.

I hope it isnt over and we just caught a bad window, but it appeared that way and I sure am tired this afternoon at work.....
Absolutely everyone (dozens of people) dipped limits of cisco in 5-15 minutes at the marina this morning from about 6am to 10am or so. . It was a bloody circus! Where the heck were you dipnetting? They were sparse along Cisco Beach, but I saw a few people catch them. They seemed to show up about 8:15-8:30.
I was in the marina this morning and it was beyond HOT!! Huge schools swimming by. Took about 5 minutes.
We hit Cisco Beach early this morning. Saw three, but that's all, then the breeze picked up about 9:30 and it got hard to see. Watched close, up and down the shore. Saw a few picked up. The ones having luck looked to be using a small jig to keep them close to the net. When I talked to them they said the few that came in were very skittish. The scones and fried cisco were great. Heard the Marina was good again this morning.

May try again, but hunting food now for Cookie
We stayed on the east shore and hit Cisco Beach,early. Had a lot of fun observing and watching everyone. The kids enjoyed the fresh fries, and the scones were great. But, the cisco were soooooo dang delicious, and my absolute favorite. I really enjoyed eating a few with the tarter sauce. I might be able to polish off a daily limit if left alone with them and the sauce. Kudos to the people who put in all that work and make it such a success!

After Cisco Beach, we hit the marina and I got in the water for about an hour, but had no luck. Had a lot of fun meeting people and talking as they were on the ice, or in the water.

A lot of people were on the small amount of ice between the shore and the first dock. The cisco seemed to be sporadic with some getting a lot more than others. There were so many people on the ice, I wouldn't let the kids get on it. It looked like some people had gone through, but maybe the shed soaked clothes were from something else. The kids did have a ton of fun playing with all the caught cisco lying around in various bags and buckets.

The polar plunge was a hoot to watch. We didn't go to the later festivities, although the kids wanted to see the fireworks. I didn't really realize how much was planned from Friday-Sunday. Seems like a lot of work is put into the event. My oldest thinks she wants to do the plunge next year- We'll see.

Overall, it was a really fun experience and the kids had a great time. For me, it was good because they did. I also really enjoyed observing and talking to people at Cisco Beach and the Marina.

Really fun couple days!
Any fresh Cisco updates?


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