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L.C. morning 2/1
I don't worry too much when I find tracks like that, it's when I hike somewhere then come back to find the tracks on top of my original ones following me.
Bryce Lowder
I do what the voices in my wife's head tell me to.
I don't worry about them either, just neat to see. Used to see tracks across Causey every now and then. I've never seen them at Lost Creek before today.
Sorry to hear about the fishing. Cool tracks though. I had thought of heading to Lost Creek on Friday but hit Hyrum again instead. Were there many others out there today?
The parking lot by the dam was full and they were beginning to park on the road going down the hill. It was busy, but a lot of room to fish where you wanted if you were willing to hike a bit.

I saw your post on Hyrum, sounded like a good day. I had to be back early today, and by leaving my Vex at home, I left even earlier.
I guess I saw your post from earlier in the week, not yesterday. How was the fishing yesterday?
It started slow for me. First hole I drilled was around 32 FOW, but caught one perch right away. But then nothing, moved and it was even worse. The. I spotted another BFT’er and he was having constant action. I set up next to him and it was stellar till I left. At times the whole water column was filled with fish. I had to adjust my settings to avoid seeing a false bottom of 12’.

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