04-05-2024, 05:17 PM
I just visited with state park staff member at Hyrum, and we discussed the digital annual day use pass. He said that while they can indeed plug in the license plate number to confirm, it is not clear into the future whether such will be the case owing to rules/regs regarding use of license plates etc. He said that if you arrive and no one around, they prefer you fill out an envelope and indicate digital day use so that something is on dash. Also, that if a person shows up with just digital pass they will provide a certificate for dash so that they see that once parked. I confirmed with the main office and said that indeed discussions are going on regarding use of license plates, but that while for now parks are expected to check license plates if needed, following what was recommended at the park is recommended. I will not be surprised if we see any ties to license plates disappear into the future.