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Hey you know where I can catch some big Greensunfish(lepomis cyanellus)?...most of the ones I catch in the local city lakes are around 5 inches max....have you caught any bigger than that? where?...I'd like to find a lake close by(within Los Angeles) with collosal greenies...
According to the map, they are all over California. North, Central and South.

[Image: gsf.gif]

That would put them in about every lake in the LA area as far as that goes. I have never seen them in Castaic. But they are in Piru. Piru also has Crappie which are fun also.

Green sunfish can also be found in Puddingstone reservoir, Santa Fe Dam and a few other places.
we have them here maybe i can email you one lol but cali should have a great deal of them in lakes as they are a popular stocking fish
The Dept of Fish & Game only stocks Rainbow Trout, Salmon, Steelhead and Channel Cats. There are no other species that they stock. Although there are some private hatcheries that do stock those as well as other species in the Pay to Play lakes.
Hey BC, this what you looking for?

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=295;]
my bad thought they would its a very hardy fish
Hey Dave...thats cool...thats a pretty good sized green sunfish! Dont see them here in Los Angeles that least not in the city lakes wife a couple of them a few days ago...and they were around 5 inches....pretty fun fish to catch...I have been using a 4'6" Ultralight fiberglass ice rod....and they TUG like a freight train!...right now I am getting all my panfish stuff together so me and my son can go get some soon...I am planning to use my 10ft Graphite Cabelas Panfish pole...its one of the fastest way to fish....I use 2-4lb line and a micro bobber and hooks anywhere between size 28 to 16...

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