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East Canyon
Hit the East canyon yesterday with hopes of taking the boat out. The wind was blowing hard so we parked it and fished from the bank. Did pretty well, caught 6 bows, some of them ran pretty big (for East Canyon), the fish seemed pretty healthy looking. All in all a groovy time. --Licker [Smile]
Were the anchor worms in hitting them hard yet? Thanks for the report...too bad you couldn't get the boat on the water. Good luck on your next trip.
It seemed like the fish were in good health, didn't see any anchor worms at all, but I did release most of em trying to keep em in the water so there is a chance I suppose that they were there and I didn't see them. Are the worms harmfull to people if you did cook one up?
The anchor worm supposedly wont hurt humans when fish is cooked. It is only in their skin not flesh. But is ugly when you see one infected. That is good news if you caught some with out the anchor in them.

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