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Scofield Report 12-4-04
[blue][size 2]It was -6 at 7:30 this morning. I had to cut thru 6 to 7 inches on all five of my holes. I caught my first fish within 5 mins of drilling my first hole. Then I proceeded to get stripped or come unbuttoned or have my hooks straightened out for the next three hours and I caught another fish too in there somewhere. It wasn't boring by any means. I was busy the whole time.

Then, it was time to move. I walked back to my truck and threw the sled in. Drove up and down the highway trying to figure where the deep water might be. Oh BTW, did I mention that there ain't no water in Scofield![shocked]. After spend the early morning in barely 6 feet of water, I found 9 maybe, I dare say 10 foot of water.

I walked out to where my buddy and me used to fish in the olden days(late 90's). Nada, Nuthin', Nein. So I go drill my fifth hole. [blush] ut ooh, about 20 feet away my strike indicator is a dancing. I run over there and big fat zero. So I switch holes. Did I ever tell you to "NEVER LEAVE FISH". I drop down the hole, WHAM! My second eater on the deck. I unhook him and Wham my third eater shows up. So, the next 2 1/2 hours was very close non-stop action. They wouldn't let me eat! I tried to read a book! For crying outloud, I want to kick back and relax. Not work[Tongue]. 12" were the smallest and the biggest was 15". 15 troutski's made the upper deck, three hooks got straightened out, 5 fishlips came off at the hole, 3 jigs broke off, and I missed at least 30 strikes!!![/size][/blue]

[blue][size 2][/size][/blue]
[blue][size 2]I need a nap[blush]


Yes I will attest to Tomeguns story about -6 degrees this morning at 7:30 which was about the time we arrived (all 10 of us...5 scouts, 5 leaders). We parked on the beach on the south east side and headed for the island. About 1/3 of the way to the island drilled some holes and found 7 feet so headed a little north and found 9.5 feet deep. While I was drilling 15 holes (power auger of course cause if not drill your own dang hole) one of the leaders landed 3 fish. He continued on his hot streak all day and schooled us all landing about 20 fish. Between 10 of us we landed over 50 fish however 3 people didn't catch any fish and 3 people combined for over 40 of the fish. So lots of catching by some and none by others. We missed a lot of hits but didn't loose many fish. No fish were under 12 inches and we caught plenty in the 16-18 inch range including a few cuts. We started off using foxeys, paddlebugs, gitzits, and small grub looking jigs in mostly white and chartruse. I caught fish on white foxey (2), white paddlebug (1), missed two hits with a chartruse booger (thanks HFT!), and then landed 9 fish on a white whatta cricket (thanks again HFT!... Need to order some more!) The best action was before 9:00AM and was good again from 11-12:30 once we started bathing our jigs in smelly jelly. It really made the difference. I didn't realize Tomegun was there or else I would have gone over and harrassed him a little. I met Chester and got to see how his Vexilar works. Very cool and a lot more instantanious feedback then my slow fishin buddy. I talked to Coldfooter and stinkfish on the radio but couldn't reach any of the others that said they might be there. Once the sun came over the hill at 9:00 it was almost time for short sleeves (well maybe a long sleeve flannel). Before the sun it was nice to have an "artificial sun" which I acquired yesterday since they have then on sale at Cal ranch stores. NOrmally $45 on sale for $22! It was a really fun day on the ice with lots of fish and beautiful weather with no W...! Now I need a nap too!
Thanks for the report. Wish I could have made it, as the waterfowl didn't want to play today. Oh well.
[blue][size 2]Hey LargeKitty[Wink], I was in the same area as you folks until about 10:30. Lemme tell ya little bit about the "Artificial Sun", It is a Coleman 45,000 btu superheater. Last year when some of us coldfeeters™ met up at Starvation, I turned that puppy on at 6am and it lit up the entire area. We didn't need flashlights after that. One New Years Day at Scofield, it melted the ice and we were really walking on water[cool] . I only wore sweats today. HaHa. I didn't even get cold when the artic airflow started about 1:30.
It would of been nice if I remembered to bring all my ice fishing tackle. Where are those damned crickets and boogers...

Oh yeah... I love the SUPER HEATER!!! We enjoy being the glow on the lake in the early wee hours. Also use it on all nighters and stay very comfy!!! [cool]

Nice Report!!!!
What a Nice Man to take the scouts out!!!
I'm sure a adventure they will never forget!!!!
The world needs more men like you bigcat!!!

[cool]I FINALLY made it out to Scofield at about 3:30 for the late afternoon bite. My relatives had a bunch of errands to run this morning. Next time I'll meet them at the lake.[Wink] We had a great time however, as it was their first time to experience the joy that is hard water fishing. Scofield didn't dissapoint them. When we got there it was nice, 'cause there was only two other parties in my favorite area. Gotta love that![Smile] We talked to the folks next to us, and they'd been there since 10:30 and had 26 fish caught by then. They had a fishfinder and told us it was 14 feet deep there, and that they'd been out further, and all around our area and that was the deepest they could find, but hey, at least it was deeper than where everybody else on the board could find[Tongue] (if any bft members wanna know where this is, send me a p.m.-not tellin' the lurkers).

Anyhooters, it was quite slow when we first got there, which had me concerned. Wanted to be a good guide and all, so they had a good first time on the ice. After about 15-20 minutes my bro in law finally got a bite. After that it slowly picked up, and I managed to land 3 'bows and missed about 3, biggest was 17 inches and smallest was about 12. My dad in law and bro in law had several bites but didn't quite set the hook in time, but still had a blast. They are hooked on ice fishing now, and see why I go out there and freeze my bagonias off! For some reason, I wasn't getting bites on my usual killer (white watta cricket w/waxie & anchovie smelly jelly) so I switched to my second favorite which is a no-brainer for those that have ever cut open the stomachs of the big ones in Scofield, and that was a Berkley 1 inch power nymph in crawdad smoke/orange color. Tipped it with a waxie and crawdad smelly jelly, and from there on, I had great success for the little amount of time we had left. Sorry I didn't get on the radio, I was too busy trying to get my fam into the fish, and we only had two hours to do it!

Lookin forward to getting back out there soon, only for at least 5 hours next time.
Hey Geoff, were you guys any where near the 6 wheeler? We started by working the 10' waters of Millers then moved out towards the island to 11'. No real dinkers caught but only 8 iced, all about 12 -13". Lots of bites tho' and I swear my reflexes are compelely shot! [laugh]

Great Sunny day tho'! Had a great time.
hey Don your reflexes shot?? well you did look a little slow the other day.. but i just thoght it was because you were just slow dude!! lol
i think it was your fishfinder that was slow so you did not see the fish bite in time to be a jerk... i mean to jerk the pole yeah that it!! lol
hey good to hear you got back up there and put the hurt on the fish again..
i'm headed out again this morning.. going to take the snowmobile today and see if theres any thing going on over at jap point..

see ya on the ice..
dude on fish?
-6 is what my thermometer said too. Mostly ditto to the reports above...two of us put 26 on the ice (kissed and returned 23 of 'em) in a great day of fishin'. The lure of the day for us was a white paddlebug tipped with mealy.

Mostly I want to apologize for being the dumb arse who blocked the road going down to the lake with my trailer. Thanks to whoever carefully unhitched me and moved my trailer out of the way. Guess I was so excited to get out on the water I didn't even notice that I'd blocked access.
Nice! I will be there next weekend looking for your holes so I can re-drill em. Wink
If your artificial sun is 45,000 BTU's then mine is more like an artificial moon at only 14,000 BTU's but much more portible on a small propane bottle(weighs a lot less)yet still plenty of heat for 1-2 people not fishing in just their underwear! LOL

[cool]Um, I didn't see any 6 wheeler. Where is Millers? Is that one of those cabins on the highway by the lake?
I might be getting slow but I didnt for get my auger Monday and have to circle back for it then end up an hour late getting to the pond like someone else did, LOL!!!
Jerk? Who me? You forgot to mention "and damn proud of it!" LOL!
Yeah we got lucky and rolled a few eaters onto the hard deck.

Miller point is the last big point on the pond (and basically high and dry, LOL!) along the highway before you get to Scofield township. My guess would be you were somewhere between Staley bay (south the channel to the damn), and Miller point, right? LOL!
I went to Scofield Saturday and as I said in another thread I slammed 31. I couldn't keep them off my hook. I only kept a couple of them and they were sure tasty. Nothing like fresh trout through the ice! I arrived about 7:30am and left around Noon. I was fishing in 12 to 13 ft of water and changed holes one time because I thought I would try and find some deeper water. From the looks of the other posts, there isn't much deeper water than where I was.
[cool]Sounds great, Pat. I just got a kitchen pass, so I'm definitely going on Saturday. I'd love to fish with you and tubebabe, or we can all go hang with CBR and his gang. I'm up for either. The whole east side is great, but I prefer where I was Saturday, but it's definitely hot right now along the whole east side. Let me know.

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