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Lincoln Beach 3-5-05
[cool][#0000ff]I may have outsmarted myself by changing my mind and going to Lincoln Beach instead of Willard. We'll see how the reports come in from the north.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Road and I were optimistic when all the flags we saw on the way to the lake were hanging limp. And, when we got to Lincoln Beach, there really wasn't much of a breeze. But there were small breakers crashing on shore from the north wind that had been blowing the night before. However, by the time we got our gear together and launched inside the protection of "The L", the chop had begun to subside.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]There were already a couple of boats on the water, both at the first spring and at the far western end of the rock shelf. There were a few waders out too, but we were the only float nuts. Within a couple of hours, though, it looked like a small city all up and down the Lincoln Beach area. Somebody has been spreading nasty rumors that the walleye were running.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As it turned out, there were far more anglers than fish. We saw no fish caught by boats or waders. Both road and myself went through a lot of different tackle changes...using a whole rainbow of lure colors and different sizes and colors of heads. We tried them with and without "sweetener", and both single and tandem rigs. We both got quite a few tentative taps, but he fish were inexperienced and did not know how to get the hook firmly in their mouths.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The water was pretty murky, from the wave action, when we first got on the water. Water temp was 46 degrees at 7 AM launch...up 4 degrees from last week. After the water calmed, it cleaned up a bit and took on some of the bright sunshine's warmth. It was actually up to 54 degrees inside the L as we got out at 1:30.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]About 10 o'clock, I rigged up a piece of perch strip for bait and tossed it out without weight. I wanted to soak a bait for a potential catfish, while I snarfed my sandwich. I had barely set the bait rod in my holder when I got a whack and the line pulled loose from the light catch and began to run out through the guides. Never fails, take a bite of a sandwich and...[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The line stopped, I flipped the bail and reeled down until I felt some weight on the line. I set the hook and felt the lovely resistance of a fish, rather than a rock. I was already over my limit on rocks. I shouted to road that I thought I might have a mud cat. I was pleasantly suprised when it turned out to be an 18" walleye[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]After bagging the 'eye so quickly, once I went to bait, I was optimistic that we might get some more. NOT. We both dragged bait for the next three hours with only a couple more light taps. Although road got into one area where whatever was pecking at his lure got away with the plastic tails...3 times.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I seriously doubt that any of the anglers beyond our area did very well either. The boats were constantly moving and the waders did not stay in one place very long, but kept moving up and down the shoreline.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It was great to finally meet road. We have carried on a PM and email correspondence for a couple of years, but this was our first meeting. He is "graduating" from his "donut" float tube and was thinking about a Fish Cat 4. I put him in TubeBabe's Fat Cat, which is similar, and I think he definitely wants to have the open front for his future craft...whatever that turns out to be.[/#0000ff]
[cool]Glad to hear you got some nice exercise, fresh air, and didn't get skunked. I'll bet that 'eye will taste better than those buglemouth Bass from last week, eh?

I'm going to try to hit LB next Friday or probably Saturday. The weather is supposed to be nice again all this week with next Saturday possibly hitting 60. Hope I can get out there again. Those wally's gotta start biting soon!
On my way back from willard we stopped at lincoln and man was the wind blowing!So we decided to fish on the south side of the boat ramp.There was a guy there in a camper and he had 2 channels and a small eye.About 30 min later he hooked into a huge eye had to be over 4lbs.He was using a piece of wb tipped with a worm.I threw out some chub minnows and got some hits but with the wind blowing so bad and it getting dark was hard to see the tips of the rods.The wind just got worse as it got darker so we left about 8pm.The water was very calm on that side dont know if that had anything to do with the fish that guy caught.
I knew if I waited long enough TD you'd have this post covered. Only kiddin fell asleep while I was waiting for dinner to heat up. I'm still waiting, I burned what I was heating.

Hey TD thanks for the loan of the tube today. I haven't had many better days for fishing. Nice day, no real wind, good company, and friendly rocks........... what more could a fisherman ask for. Oh yeah a fish or 2 would have made it perfect.

I definately will be in an open front tube whatever it turns out to be. When you can kick alnog as fast as the boats are trolling. Man that was great, and those guys in the boat <grinning>. Tell Mrs. Babe I said thanks, nothing like a test drive.
[cool][#0000ff]Yeah, you moved upon the water quite well...for an old guy with new fins and in a strange craft. Heck, when you get all tricked out with your new craft, your wife is likely to talk you into towing her on water skis (chortle chortle).[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Look forward to hookin' up with ya soon on one of those ponds close to your place.[/#0000ff]

I boated out of Lindon harbor for a test drive and decided to stop at AF harbor for some bass, but instead caught three walleyes on a tube jig in less than a hour.

I was going to go to Lincoln but my wife gave me a long honey do list plus the family wanted to go for a ride on the boat so my fishing experience was limited to under a hour before I went home to pick up my family and to declare the boat in tip top shape.

At least I caught three and that certainly made my day!

Will definitely fish again this friday and saturday.
LMAO, Yeah right TD, I'm lucky to get the wife into the boat! On a pair of water skies. What I wouldn't give for that picture! On the bright side, after seeing the pic of me floating (Timp in the background) she said I can buy a new carmera. Not quite what I was hoping (her blessing on a new and more expensive tube would have been cool) but now I get a new digital camera. Lets see now, Shoppimg list; 1 open bow tube $300, 1 digital camera $200, new sonar for new tube, $225, new life vest $60, another job to pay for all the toys priceless.
[cool][#0000ff]Hate to get philosophical on ya, good buddy, but dreams are what make life interesting and keep us going. You are a living example of that.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]And, even if all our dreams do not come true, most of us still have more blessings than we deserve. At least that's what TubeBabe tells me when I start lusting after some new toy.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I always swore that I was going to marry a rich woman too proud to have her husband work. Well, so much for that dream. At least she likes to fish and that helps justify some of the net spendable I donate to the tackle purveyors of America. As long as I remind her that she will share in the increased catching capacity, she is usually good with the new scorch marks on the plastic.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1][font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]"[/size][/black][/font]tackle purveyors[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]"! I resemble that remark! LOL![/size][/black][/font][/size][/#0000ff]
[green][size 2]Some of us purveyor more than others

[cool]Paul, congrats on the 3 Walleye in an hour! Hell, I've fished that place probably 5 times now and still haven't landed one yet! I did do well for cat's last June though, landing an 8.25 lber and a 4 lber. Man, they tasted good!

I'm thinking of going this weekend too, so maybe I'll see ya out there on your tube, or maybe I could give you some gas money for the boat?

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