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Took my first test ride in my Trout Unlimmited Bighorn
Well I got my tube and I took it onto the water this weekend to sort of give it a test. I got my wet suit on Flippers and a sweater and went out. I took my rod with me to try a few casts just to get a feel of it. So out I go, the tube was sure comfy and had no problem launching. I discovered my one flipper seemed to be slipping a bit so I manged to move the heel strap up, but it was likely fine to begin with. The one problem tha tI did fine was that I seemed to be slipping a bit on my seat. I think I just need to get used to. I definatly see a need for the rod holders, and am working on that. Just waiting for Fish Finder to arrive. I discovered that you can troll in a tube, slowly that is, but hey it works. So things went well I was only out for about an hour, it was just a test run. I didn't really come across any other problems, but I can see that I will need to get used to it. I am sure that won't take long. When I went to dismount I almost lost my balance when removing my flippers but I saved my self the embarrasment.
So now I just need to get the finder and then I will be on the lake relaxing. Boy can I see that happening now.
I want to thank allyou tubers for all your posts that I have read, and the replies that you have had to mine.
Good for you,

Slipping out of the seat?! As you know, when the ol' tube hits the cold water it tends to lose volume or even shrivel a bit. The seat will not be as tight horizontally without the tube being thumpy tight.

In the cold, I put the thing in the water while I'm getting my other gear ready then give it a good extra shots of air when needed.

If the water warms...... but more... if the sun really starts beating down on you during an extended stay in the water, you might want to think how you could let out a bit of air. My StealthRider is perfect for this and ........ I can inflate it on the water too!

High mountain lakes in California (7k +) tend to have very cold mornings but air temps can zoon reaaaaaaaaal quick.

[cool][#0000ff]Glad you got the shakedown cruise out of the way, and that there were no major casualties. It is usually better to not worry about the fishing as much the first time out. Once you are familiar with the setup and can concentrate on fishing, it will go better.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As JapanRon suggested, keeping the craft properly inflated, and your backrest straps properly adjusted, will probably help the sliding problem. If not, sew some velcro on your butt.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You are right about the slow trolling. That can be a deadly way to fish a fly on sinking or sink tip lines. Give the rod a little lift or a wiggle occasionally to add some action to the flies. If you have good fins and strong legs you can paddle around all day.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Let us know if you need any more input when you get your other stuff ready to install.[/#0000ff]

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